Chapter 13

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After a week of planning and stress, all the grumps woke up with joy, as it was Christmas Day. Even Dan was excited.

It was decided a few days back that's everyone would go into the office for the day to exchange gifts. Ross and Holly got there first, then Arin and Suzy, then Barry and Red, and finally Dan and Chloe. They all managed to fit on the couches, illuminated by the decorated Christmas tree next to them, presents scattered underneath.

Arin pulled out a small, rectangular box with blue ribbon securing it. "This one is for Dan, surprisingly, from Ross." He said, handing it to the tall male. Ross barely managed to hold on his laughter behind a smug grin. Dan glanced over at him as he undid the ribbon and tore apart the paper covering its container.

Inside the box was a hardcover copy of 'The Beej.' Dan looked at him with death in his eyes, but smiled and thanked him for the gift anyway. "I'll cherish it, by burning it in my fireplace," Dan said jokingly.

The next present pulled from under the tree was for Arin, from Dan. Inside the poorly wrapped box was a picture frame of a piece of Sailor Moon fanart. "I heard you talking about how much you liked it the other day, so I asked the artist for a print." Dan said, smiling proudly. Arin was blushing at the generosity put into it. "Dude, this, I- how?" He stammered.

Dan shrugged. "Merry Christmas, big cat," he replied, giggling.


After going through most of the gifts, only two presents remained under the tree. Arin pulled out the thin package and read the label. "To Red, from Barry. Aww," he said, handing it to her. She looked at Barry slightly annoyed at the fact that she was getting a gift from him, but was more flustered than anything. She pulled the frames out of the wrapping, revealing the signed vinyls. "You, you.." She began.

"I knew how much they meant to you. Plus, they added some color into your house." Barry said, smiling. Red kissed his cheek, not able to say anything else but "thank you."

The last gift was for Suzy, given to her by her husband. It was a small red box with thin, gold ribbon. Inside it was a silver ring, a small butterfly perched atop it. "Aww, babe, you shouldn't have," she said, slipping the ring onto her finger, right above her wedding ring. She gave Arin an Eskimo kiss.

"So, that's everything, right?" Dan asked, referring to the empty space between the tree and and floor. "Actually, I have one more gift, for Red." Barry said, getting off of the couch.

Then it happened.

He pulled out a small box from his pocket, and kneeled before his girlfriend. "Rachel Harrinson, I've known you for, who knows how long, but I've been happier than ever before ever since I've met you," he began, opening the box, revealing a ring of aquamarines, Red's favorite gemstone.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, looking up at his teary eyed, happy beyond belief partner.


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