Chapter 14

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Ooh magical timeskip to the day of the wedding
Also I realized halfway through that Barry is Jewish and all that jazz but shush just go with it

Barry paced the dressing room in his Table Flip-like tuxedo. "Dude, your gonna be fine, you shouldn't stress so much about this," Arin said, getting slightly dizzy from watching him go back and forth.

"Yeah, says the one who's already married," he replied, looking up at him with worry. Danny piped up. "Dude, I'm not even planning on getting married, and I feel as if you shouldn't be this stressed out." Barry ran his fingers through his fluffy, slightly disheveled hair. "I just want this to be perfect." He mumbled, looking at himself in the vanity mirror.

His coat hung from his torso elegantly, complimented by his white dress shirt. His black tie was tucked under his collar, mostly covered by his black vest. Though it was cold, him and Red decided that he wouldn't wear the white scarf, as they simply preferred him without it. He wore a little bit of concealer, to hide the bags under his eyes, indicators of sleepless nights planning for this day.

"C'mon, take it easy for me, B. For Red." Arin said, rubbing the grooms shoulder. Barry thought of his soon to be wife. He could only imagine how beautiful she must look in her wedding dress. She mentioned the dress being simple, but wasn't given much detail to begin with. He instantly felt better. "Alright. For Red." He said, nodding to himself.

Red was feeling similar emotions, though excitement rushed through her more than anything. She constantly looked over herself in the vanity, making sure everything looked right. Her simple high waisted dress flowed behind her, slightly dragging on the floor. The waist part was covered in lace designs, little sequins along the outline.

"I still can't believe I'm going to be a maid of honor at my first wedding," Chloe said, looking over her roommate. Red looked at her in shock. "You've never been to a wedding before?" She asked. Chloe shook her head. "Never."

"Well, I'm glad this is your first," Red replied, making them both laugh. "I am too. Though as much as I do love you, you need to stop walking back and forth. I'm gonna vomit." Chloe said jokingly. "But it's so fun to watch!" Red replied, referring to her dress.

"Take my, and Barry's, word for it: You look beautiful." Chloe said. Red blushed. "Now, c'mon, let's go get you married," Chloe continued. Red nodded. 'I still can't believe this is fucking happening,' she thought to herself.


Barry looked down the aisle to see his beautiful wife-to-be, being walked down with her dad. Her dress flowed behind her ever so elegantly, her makeup and hair completing the picture. She broke off from her father, kissing his cheek before stepping up to the altar, feet away from him.

"Dearly beloved.." The priest began. He said what he needed to say, the normal stuff people don't pay attention to at weddings. The couple tried to take in his words, but were too busy taking each other in. Barry's coat, Red's dress, it was all too surreal for each other.

Before long they had said their vows, and listened to the priest drone his speech about the importance of marriage. "Barry Nathan Kramer, do you take this woman to be your lovely wedded wife?" The priest asked. He nodded.

"I do."

"And do you, Rachel Harrinson, take this man to be your lovely wedded husband?"

"I do."

Then came the most scary part of someone's wedding.

"Speak now, or forever hold your peace." The bride and groom held their breath.

Silence. To their surprise, not even Arin piped up with his stupid "all around the world" comment.

"You may now kiss the bride," said the priest. Barry took Red by surprise, wrapping one hand around her neck, the other around her waist, dipping her slightly. The kiss was bliss, with just the right amount of pressure from both of them, it set off fireworks. That, and it earned a standing ovation from the guests, cheering and whistling from everyone.

"I love you," Barry said to his wife, breaking from the kiss. "I love you too," Red said, lifting herself from the dip. The two bowed hand in hand, earning another round of cheering.

It was the happiest day of their lives.

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