Chapter 9

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Barry was in bed when he received a call from an unknown number at 7 AM. Dan had already left, so he didn't have anyone to share the horrible news.

"Barry, it's Chloe. Someone robbed our house."

He could feel the color flush from his face, and his body go numb. "A-are you guys okay?" He asked, scrambling out of the warm embrace of his blankets and rushing down the stairs. "I'm fine, and Red's on her way home." She began to explain what happened, saying that Red had already been halfway to school. Chloe went to 7-11 to get a cup of coffee when the break in happened. Not much was stolen, though the TV was smashed and some of their NSP vinyls had been stripped from the wall.

Barry was speechless. He was about to go out the door to see if everyone was okay, but the thought was still striking him. Hard. He stopped himself and sat himself on the couch, his head in his hands. He felt as if it was his fault, like he could've prevented it. He managed to snap himself from his thoughts and help his friends, opening the door and walking across the street.


It had been 2 hours since Barry got the phone call. The police had filed a report, Chloe was on the phone with her parents, and Red had gone back to Barry's house to calm down. Danny had also come home, but was at Chloe's house. He rubbed soft circles on her shoulder, listening to every word of how she found out, how she got a call with a disheveled voice on the other side, how Chloe said someone broke in.

"I-I'm just scared that it'll happen again. And it won't just be the TV and the discs. And-" he placed a gentle kiss on Red's lips, cutting her off. "No one is ever going to hurt you, or Chloe, okay? Not while I'm around." They pressed their foreheads together and became lost in their eyes. Barry's ice blue ones, and Red's were like glimmering chocolates.

"Your such a doof," she said, breaking the silence. Barry smirked and playfully pushed her down, him mounting on top her on the couch. "Me? A doof? How dare!" He replied, peppering her with little kisses on her lips and up and down her neck.

Red kissed him on the lips passionately and played with the hem of his flannel, pulling him closer. She delicately traced his spine from under his shirt, sending a chill up Barry's spine, a soft moan escaping from his lips. He grew weaker with every breath. Red noticed this and gently bit his lip. "G-god dammit, R-red," he breathed.

Fortunately for him, his phone vibrated in his back pocket. He dismounted Red and answered the call. "Hello? Yeah? Yeah no that's fine. Okay see you." He ended and put his phone in his lap. "That was Dan. Him and Chloe are staying at their house for the night, so we have the place to yourselves."

"Care to continue?" He asked, straddling Red. "I'd love nothing more," she replied, pulling on the ends of his shirt again, bringing him into an intense kiss.

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