Chapter 7

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Red woke up to her alarm softly buzzing. It was quiet, but loud enough for her to hear it. As she turned her phone off and got out of bed, she realized and was at B and Dans house. She didn't remember going to bed, or even coming here in the first place. It was a weird kidnapping feeling, though she was perfectly safe.

She walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and such, glancing over at the cabinet. It had a post it note on it that said "for Red: open me. Clothes and shit. -B" she smiled and opened the cabinet, which almost overflowed with her stuff. Clothes, her toothbrush and hairbrush, and the like. Red got dressed and ready for school, the occasional snore from Dans room startling her. She managed to find a granola bar in one of the kitchen cabinets and left for school, her keys jingling in her backpack.


Barry paced around the office, deep in thought of what to get Red for her birthday. "Hold on, I may have something." Suzy said, getting up from her desk and jogging down a hallway. She came back shortly with a little box. "I think this might be good." She opened the box, revealing a silver eighth note pendant necklace, hanging from a small silver chain.

He nodded and hugged her, whispering a thank you into her ear.


(Magical time skip to the morning of Red's birthday)

Red knocked on Barry's front door after a very urgent phone call. It was only 8 am, so she was still in her pajamas. "Come in!" He yelled from inside the house. She opened the door and almost melted at the smell of buttermilk pancakes. "Happy birthday, babe," B said from the stove, showing off by flipping pancakes in the pan. He was wearing a red flannel with a chef toque and a "Kiss the Cook" apron, with some of Dans ripped jeans that have gotten too small for him.

"Barry, you shouldn't have! How did you know I love pancakes?" She asked, sitting on the couch in the living room. "Chloe told me. She's really nice, too. She told me to go to IHop, but I wanted it to be special." They both had the biggest smiles on their faces.

Barry put two pancakes on a plate and cut them into little sections, topping them with freshly cut strawberries and bananas. "On a scale of one to ten, how much whipped cream do you want?" He asked, smirking. "Dude, you don't have to-" he cut her off. "11? Sure thing, Red!" He replied, causing a whipped cream avalanche to rein down on Pancake Town.

He walked over to Red and handed her her pancakes with a fork and a glass of milk. "When your done with that I have something extra for you," he said, taking off his toque. They cuddled on the couch together and watched morning cartoons until noon. Barry quickly realized the time and excused himself to go upstairs to get his "something extra" from before.

He came back downstairs with a small red box wrapped in gold ribbon. Red was speechless. "You didn't have to get me anything." She took the box from him and slowly opened it. She flicked open the jewelry box and almost passed out at his gift. Red hugged him as tight as she could and thanked him numerous times for the pendant.

As Barry clipped the necklace on the back of Red's neck, he managed to steal a few kisses. He sent a chill down her spine, making her turn around in instinct. They both laughed, pressing their foreheads together. Barry gave her an Eskimo kiss just to tease her, turning a bright shade of pink. Thinking quickly, Red took the leftover whipped cream from the pancakes plate and plopped it on his nose. "How dare!" He said, giggling.

"I love you," Red said. "I love you too," Barry replied, pressing his lips to hers.

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