Chapter 11

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(This story and Raising Stakes, my newest oneshot, aren't connected, just to clear that up. Though you can still read it if you want because I hear it's pretty good ok but anyway)

Barry and Red sat on the corner of the couch together, looking through her camera roll. She stopped at a picture of Barry, Dan, Chloe and herself at Jons Halloween party from last year. "Hey, remember this?" She asked, turning her phone in his direction. He laughed at the sight of the picture. "Yeah, I still can't believe we chose those costumes," he replied.

ooooohhh magical flashback to like October

Dan, Chloe, Red and Barry walked into the Halloween themed Party City at 3 AM in search of costumes for the holiday. They managed to resist buying other things, such as the candy that practically screamed "eat me", or the cute Halloween decorations.

They made fun of a few weird ones, like the hippy or the undead prom queen, and eventually found the couples costumes, next to the accessories. Red and Barry found their costumes almost immediately: matching girl and boy cheerleader outfits.

"What about this, dude?" Chloe asked Dan, holding up a Zorro costume. But he didn't hear her, he was too busy looking over the toy whip, jet black with a handle covered in rhinestones. Chloe caught onto this and blushed. "Dan!" She repeated. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked over the costume. "I was thinking more, this." He replied, holding up a couples costume of Where's Waldo.

"Oh my god. That's... Brilliant." She said, barely holding in her laughter. "Do you wanna try them on or.." Chloe began. "Dude, I'm 6 foot. The biggest one has to fit me. And don't worry, I can hem yours." Dan stated, kissing her cheek.

"Alrighty then. We'll meet you guys on line?" She asked. The other couple nodded as Chloe and Dan headed for check out.

"So, do you wanna try these on before we buy them?" Barry asked, smirking. Red caught on and smirked back, slightly blushing. "Sure," She replied, holding hands with him to the dressing rooms.

She knocked on the dressing room door after changing into her cheerleader costume. "B, come see how this looks," she said. He opened the door just enough so he could get through, and closed it behind him. "Do you like it?" Red asked, twirling around in the outfit. "Yeah, I really do. It looks good on you." He looked at the mirror and realized her shirt was unzipped.

"Here, turn around really quick, let me zip you up," Barry said. She nodded and turned around, revealing her open back. He smirked and took advantage of it, kissing softly her skin until he reached her neck, the outfit completely zipped up. Red laughed softly as he hugged her waist, kissing her neck lightly. "Dude, c'mon, we gotta check out. I imagine they've been waited for us for a while," she said, slowly taking his hands off of her stomach. He pouted but agreed, walking out of the small room, waiting for her outside.

As they waited in line to purchase their costumes, they saw Dan and Chloe still on the line. "Hey, how'd your costumes work out?" Dan asked, lifting the black rope thing so they could go under. "We got pretty good ones. What about you?" Barry replied. The other male gave him a weird look. "B, we decided on them at least 15 minutes ago. You were there!" He said, jokingly elbowing him. "Right, right," Barry replied, blushing.


As they walked down the block to their houses, Barry whispered something to Dan. So, did you ever get it?" He asked, waggling his eyebrows. Dan smirked at him. "What? Oh, no," he replied, turning around and walking up the steps to the door. Though it was dark, Barry was certain that there was a whip in his hand as Dan closed the door behind him.

Ooh magical flashback oveerrrr

"Are you sure that's what happened?" Red asked, raising an eyebrow. Barry kissed her nose, snuggling closer to her. "I'm absolutely positive."

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