I hate this

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Welp, I had a nervous breakdown earlier today. Juuusssstttt greeaaaatttt. Anyway, the reason for this? I got suspended and they're calling in my parents for bringing "porn" to school.


I brought a book to school, an innocent looking book that interested me. I started reading it and was extremely interested in it. The book was funny and down to earth....but apparently, towards the back of the book, which I hadn't read yet, had some "inappropriate" things. Joy. 

Anyway, this girl read the first few pages and took it, put it in her locker, then said,

"I'm going to read this at home and I'll give it back to you tomorrow." I believed her. Then we both went off to class, the last class of the day. After this, a teacher pulled me over and told me that I'd been suspended for a day and that the principal was demanding a meeting with my parents for bringing porn to school.

I was confused until she said the name of the book. It wasn't even anything bad, but my school is over-protective and everything is "rainbows!" 

The thing is, is that it wasn't even the girl who'd given the book to the teachers. We had the same class and our lockers were near each other. She didn't take that book out, ever. 

Which means that someone went through that girl's locker and took it out. Someone invaded that girl's privacy. 

I didn't do anything. It wasn't deliberate. I can see where the teachers are coming from, I really can. It's the fact that somebody went through my privacy, again, that scares me.

I say again because last year someone in my school stole my computer and tried to hack it, only to fail and throw it in the bushes. My computer was in my locker. It really did scare me, because I'd lived in that world of rainbows for a very long time. The person also left a note for me, one which I will not type down due to various reasons. So I know it was the same person.

I'm scared.

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