
33 1 6

Okay, okay, oh god oh god oh god.

Nothing can tell you how worried I am right now.

An anon on Tumblr messaged me saying,

"Give me five reasons why I should not kill myself." I answered as soon as I saw it, but I may have been too late and I'm so scared. I'm so scared that I saw it too late and that this person is already gone.

I've found the person who messaged me this and they haven't been active. I'm just so worried and if I don't answer to anything for a while, forgive me, I'm probably working things out. I'll answer your stuff later, okay?

Let me just figure this out, I'll spill out more details later. For now, I have this:

I'm extremely close with this person.

They haven't been active.

They've told me about this before.

I'm not okay right now, so if I'm distant or act depressed, you'll know why.


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