Dark Side of Technology.

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--there's a rant up ahead, and if you don't agree with me, I don't actually care anymore anyway. Say what you like, please and thank you.--

Don't get me wrong, I love the Internet, it's awesome! I also love technology, but there's, of course, a bad side.
Such as the dark side of the Internet(for example, the YES dance, it's on YouTube, and it's beautiful.), or those weird chain emails/texts that would sometimes scare you half to death when you were younger. This is where things go horribly wrong.

We all save the dark side of technology for two in the morning, and we've all seen it. Don't deny it, if you're anywhere above the age of nine, I probably won't believe you. Now, you have different categories for the dark side of technology, for instance, the dark side of the Internet, which then goes into more sub categories that would potentially scar a person emotionally.
Then, it's the chain emails/texts, some of which are nice and make you feel loved, but most of them don't. You have the classics--the one that says something along the lines of "if you don't share this with 20 people in the next hour a little ghost girl will come into your room and kill you." Now, even though I knew it wasn't true, I'd still end up sharing it with as many people as I could, because I'd get scared. Now, I don't even care. I'm just like, "I remember when this used to scare me." Point is, no one cares anymore. Or at least I don't. It's rather annoying.
Then you have the ones that show up on someone's profile, saying "if you love God, put this on your profile!" Or "if you are actually someone who would stand up for someone being bullied, put this on your profile!"
Now, first of all, I think I'm going to end up in hell anyway, and I'm pretty sure I annoy God with my constant begging for the littlest tiny bit of help with my life. I swear, for the past few months every time I've ever asked him for help, literally two hours later I always get this "Only you can help you." So, I'm pretty sure God doesn't know what to do with me.
Second of all, I AM bullied. All the more reason to put that on my profile, right? Not. I'm not going to "prove" to the world that those rather useless words mean anything. It's not like you're helping anyone, now are you? (Yes I know, I'm being heartless, boo-hoo.) Sure, you're letting some people know that you detest bullying, I think that's okay, but you're kind of being a bully yourself with those harsh words at the end. Anyone could take that wrong way and feel pressured to put it on their profile.
"99% of you won't repost this, if you're part of that 1% that actually has a heart, put this on your profile." WHAT THE HELL GUYS?! Why are people accusing people of not having a heart for not reposting useless words?! Guys?!?! Also, you'd say "ninety-nine percent of you won't repost this, if you're the one percent that shows me you care, please repost this, I'd appreciate it." And even then. It still sounds kind of mean.
I hate bullying with everything I stand for, and I know that, I make sure that it's known that I detest it, but I don't say things like that. It bothers me to no end to see that on most profiles because IT MEANS NOTHING!
Don't you understand? I actually used to worry about what people thought of me if I didn't put it on my profile, I used to think you guys would hate me. I was always that worried due to my anxiety, and sometimes it still does bother me, and there's no escape from it. I'll continue that subject later.

Here comes the dark side of the Internet. It ranges from Tumblr to Google. It's always there, creeping on you.
YouTube, you can find the YES dance, and a two hour movie made by someone with a massive Thomas the train collection. This includes Anime, by the way, we must not forget about Boku no Piko. --shudders--
The dark side of YouTube is actually pretty easy to get into, one minute you'll be watching something innocent and the suddenly you end up with something you'd never dream of in front of you. It's the same with Tumblr. It happens so quickly.
I, myself got into a bad part of Twitter by arguing with two racist, homophobic, and rather sexist people the other day. Which wasn't the best for me, as I am a Native American Bisexual female. Isn't that wonderful?
They said this:"your Twitter is dedicated to crying about how your people got fucked up and had their land stolen hundreds of years ago."
I said back " Totally, it totally is.It's not like I talk about Anime and Manga and Vocaloids or anything....all the time...with my best friend.."
They were just like, "oh, you're one of those." And then said my opinion didn't matter and that I was a loser and that I was or am bullied pretty badly.
Then I said "thanks for pointing out the obvious as well as telling lies." Which only made the person more mad, so fun!
The dark side of Facebook should not be mentioned. Nope.
AND THEN THERES MYSPACE. I'm afraid to venture there.
Again, everything on the dark side of the Internet is potentially scarring. Be careful.
Also, I'm terribly sorry if I offended anyone in this rant. I'm just really annoyed and it's one in the morning so I figured why not? Alright, BYE!

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