Horror Movies

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So my mother just explained to me why she hates the fact that I watch so many horror movies. It's a funny story.

So, up until the fourth grade, I was a sheltered child. I wasn't allowed to go over to other's houses, watch horror movies, or anything that involved me getting scared or making close friends. So, naturally, I finally got curious. I wanted to watch a scary movie. I was maybe seven, but most likely eight, and I was being extremely persistent in the fact that I wanted to watch a scary movie.

Finally, my mother caved. It took a while, but she caved and said that we could watch a movie called "The Others." Which is actually playing while I write this chapter. It wasn't a scary movie, but it was rather suspenseful, so my mother thought it was perfect to watch. I apparently fine until the only real jump-scare in the movie, which scared me to death. (I don't remember this, so it obviously didn't traumatize me.)

I didn't want to be alone, I wouldn't sleep with the lights off, I was genuinely terrified. Which should have been expected, because, again, I was an extremely sheltered child. This was the first "scary" movie I'd ever watched, but my mother flipped out. She felt terrible, so she tried to keep me away from any horror movie that I found. 

She obviously failed and I watched movie after movie, and after watching my third one, I found that I wasn't scared.  Now, I'll watch things like The Exorcist, Annabelle, The Shining, Poltergeist, The Conjuring, The Grudge(<-- My third movie), etc; and I won't be scared. It's funny, really, that I'm not scared of movies adults have screamed at. My classmates will cry. I'm not affected.

Still, my mother gets mad if I watch a horror movie without her permission. 

There you go, the reason why my mother hates me watching horror movies.


Omfg, mom, you need to chill out. I WAS SEVEN.

Mom, Carrie didn't scare me, The Conjuring was okay, but I wasn't really THAT scary. Insidious was cool, interesting plot line. Annabelle was cheap. The Shining...eh. The Grudge, yet again, interesting plot line. The Exorcist was weird. Poltergeist was a cool movie. Paranormal Active 1-4, interesting concept. Yep. Not Scared. That is all.

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