Some Random Questions/Facts about me

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I was asked some questions by some people in PM's so I thought I'd answer them. Here goes nothing.
People asked a lot of sad questions.
Are you Emo?
Um, I don't know. I wouldn't classify myself as Emo, but I do fit into the category.

What's cutting like?
It's like...cutting. It's a burning sensation that runs up your arm until it reaches a certain bundle of nerves that suddenly makes you want more. Or that's with me.

You seem like you have some family problems, what's going on?
Oh, my mom is kind of temperamental, and is really scary. We have....uh, incidents, here and there. The most recent was on a Thursday. I had a panic attack and wouldn't move or go to school or anything like that. My mom, who's finally going to college, had her finals that day. She could've gone if she wanted to, I wouldn't have been hurt by that, I would've understood. Instead she stayed and screamed at me, took my wrist and tried to physically drag me out the door, and then screamed at me some more. After the panic attack ended (which was about two hours), she told me to 'never make her the bad guy because I'm the bad guy now.'  She blames me for missing her test, and is telling everyone she knows about it. She has a history of doing that, blaming me for all her problems. Yeah, there.

You seem to be a little bit ungrateful....or am I just misunderstanding?
Oh, no, I am an ungrateful little shit. I mean, I have all this stuff, and don't find any meaning in it. I hate the fact that I'm alive, when I should be happy about it. I'm offered food every day, to which I take up the offer then forget to eat it and am starving when I eat dinner. I have a tablet in my hands as I type this, and have Internet. Yet, here I am, talking about how horrible my life is when there are kids who are dying out there. Somehow, I still find a way to hate myself because of it.

I want to get to know you better, 10 facts about you?

My name is Helesi.
I have a long strew of disorders.
I have curly brown hair.
I was suspended for reading an equal rights book recently
I once slapped a Levi cosplayer because he was harassing me then ran
I have a mole right underneath my collarbone, two on my stomach, one on my hairline and another on my cheek.
My bedroom is bright pink because I painted it when I was seven.
I am 5'6
My best friend is @Toy-Freddy
I usually hate talking to people Irl.

That's all.

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