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I'm bisexual. Always have been, always will be. Yeah. Anyway, This is random conversations that my family and I have had about LBGT people. Also reasons why I've not yet told them I'm bisexual.
Me:What would happen if I married a girl, mother?
Mother: I'd be sad because I want a grandchild.
Me: I could always adopt.
Mother: But I want them to be my grandchild.
Me:They will be your grandchild.
Me: Whatever, it won't be the same.


Me:Father, what do you think of LGBT people?
Father:*says nothing and just stares*
Me:*looks away*


Grandmother: Why do you always defend gay people?
Me: because they're people too? Isn't that obvious?
Grandmother: Of course they're people, but what if other people think you're a gay?
Me: what if am one?
Grandmother: that was a funny joke! *laughs*

See my problem here? Joy.

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