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Okay, I'm going to try to keep my cool right now. I know I'm going to lose it somewhere during this entry, but I'm going to hold it together for as long as I can.
Here we go.

I literally just got PMed by someone(not saying the name)saying the following:
"You're probably just looking for attention, people to pity you. How sad. Your journal's bullshit, by the way. I can see right through all of your lies. You're another one of those attention seekers. To think that you'd use something like depression and anxiety as something to get attention with--and let's not even mention the cutting. That's sad. You're sad. How horrible do you have to be to use mental disorders to put you in the spotlight? How cruel? How heartless? Fuck you. Fuck all that bullshit. Go kill yourself for all I care! Once you know how people who actually have disorders feel, than maybe I'll accept you."

What did you just say to me?

Actually, I hate attention, but still look for it relentlessly to make sure I'm not alone. I don't think people pity me....And yes, it's very sad that you think this way. My journal? Doesn't it say in the description 'I just need a place to vent'? What lies? I hate when people call me an attention seeker--please don't do it, it causes some bad memories. Please. Um, I actually do have those disorders. You can go ask my therapist, who I visit every week. I can even specify them if you'd like. And the cutting...yes...I do cut. I take a picture and hide them to see how bad it's gotten and cry over that. I'm a Masochist. Yes, again, it is sad. And yes, I am sad. I can't help it. I don't know how horrible, but I imagine that person to be a sociopath.
This part I don't even know to respond to. I really don't. You just told me to kill myself. You just told a suicidal girl to kill herself. How fucking heartless is that?
I didn't know you hated me that much....thanks for letting me know....I still love you, btw. Thanks for breaking my heart and, uh, trying to kill me inside.

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