h o t f u d g e

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"I doubt whether the world holds for anyone a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice cream." – Heywood Broun

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"I am going to kill you. Right after I check who this is."


"Sushi is the stupidest, lamest, dumbtastic name in the universe."

"How dare you insult my nicknaming skills, Sushi?"

"Oh, so it is Fletcher!"

"What do you want?"

"To smash your asshole face into a pulp!"

"What for? What did I do wrong?"



"Er, I've actually forgotten."

"Then can you please take a chill pill and stop trying to castrate me?"



"Can you get someone to bring me fro-yo?"

"We don't have fro-yo."

"What kind of ice cream shop doesn't have fro-yo? Gah, that's disappointing."

"Well, we do have, wait for it, regular ice cream! Want some of the stuff that we actually specialise in?"

"Wait, your shop actually specialises in something? Gasp!"

"You know Melanie's behind me, right?"

"Oh, how freaking peachy."

Waffle Cones (#1)Where stories live. Discover now