Questions and answers (9)

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Chapter Nine
Staring up at my ceiling I beg myself to fall asleep, but I can't. I reach over to my bedside table and grab my phone, switching it on; it blinds me. Blinking to regain my vision, I see that it's already 3am. I put my phone back and decide to take a walk to the kitchen.

Careful not to make noise I go down the stairs, the stairs creak with every movement I make. I make it to the end and head to the kitchen, all the lights are off so it's pitch black; I switch on the kitchen lights.

A sudden breeze comes along my arm, I turn to see the windows open. I thought my mom closed them, oh well it is extremely hot in this house so I can understand why she left it open. Ignoring the open window, I open the fridge and take out the carton of milk and grab a glass from the cabinets.

Pouring it in I hear a creak of a door, turning to see the front door opening.

Wait a second I'm pretty sure I locked the door before I went to bed.

Walking towards it I go outside. No one is there, that's strange. Turning around the front door slams shut at such a speed that the wind makes me lose my balance and stumble back. My heart racing I walk up towards door.

I take a deep breath and open it; walking inside I check my surroundings. Its clear. I switch the lights off and run up stairs into my room. Well that wasn't terrifying at all (note the sarcasm).

I lie there for a couple of minutes when I eventually fall asleep.


I toss and turn in bed, all the things rushing back to me and I can't get it out of my head. I open my eyes and lift my body up, sitting in an upright position.

My breath is hitched in the back of my throat. I'm frozen in place; whispers in my ears, my arms stretched out some type of force pulling at it.

I try and scream for help but I can't open my mouth. I struggle to escape. In the corner of my eye I see something, a dark shadow watching me. My heart is beating fast, I can't breath, I feel something come closer and closer. I shake my body to try and escape, tears are rolling down my cheeks.

There is a pressure on my chest, my breath becomes heaver. I close my eyes, there is warmth in my ear "Don't be scared, I'm here" with that I fall down on to my back gasping for air.

My wrist starts to burn, I scream in agony, tears rolling down my cheeks. I look at my wrist to see the numbers 666 being craved on to it. Blood dripping from my wrist, I scream. The burning stops and I lie in bed, crying my eyes out


It's one thirty and my heart still hasn't stopped beating rapidly. I sitting on the edge of my bed staring at my computer. I need answers, what happened to me, has it happened to other people before.

I stare down at my wrist, the numbers still remain on it. What is 666 and why is it on my wrist and how did it get there. I take a deep sigh and stand up and walk towards my computer. There is only one way to find out; Google. I type in the search bar the following:

What does 666 mean?
'666' means the number of the beast, it has seven heads and ten horns. The number six implies imperfection, seven represents completeness or perfection. 777 Is Gods number. Six, being one short of seven, can indicate something flawed in Gods eyes. So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. If the numbers 666 are written on your right hand it means you have been marked by the beast, he has chosen you because he likes you and he wants to bring you over to his side. If you have the mark you are in opposition to God.

I bring my wrist up to me, and notice that it is indeed on my right hand. My breathing becoming more and more heaver. I type in my next question:

What is called when you become unable to move in your sleep?

Sleep paralysis is the temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or when you wake up. Your mind is awake but your body isn't, your trapped. You can't wake yourself up. Your will experience a thing with you, some say it's a ghost or a demon. You will be hearing whispers. You could say that it's a paranormal experience.

I massage my temple and take a deep breath and type I the last question on my mind.

What happens at 3am?

Jesus Christ died on the cross at 3pm that's when his spirit asended into heaven until the third day. The anti- Christ uses 3am to mock him. Which makes 3am the Devils hour

Breath Nicole, Breath.

VisionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora