Mismatched Compatibility (5)

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Knock! Knock!

I turned my head sideways while I slowly opened my eyes.

The soft beige wall beside the bed was the first thing I saw. I turned my head and looked around the room. I frowned, realizing that the spacious room I was currently in wasn’t familiar.

There was an enormous window in front of me, while there was a sofa at the end of the bed. My left had a rounded part of the room – like an extended little tower, with a coffee table and armchairs in it.

On the corner to my right was an opened door that lead to what I assumed was the bathroom because of the tiled floor inside. My eyes then landed on my Louis Vuitton suitcase right outside the bathroom door.

Before I could ponder more over it, there was a knock on the door again.

Cautiously, I got up. I grabbed the robe that was placed on top of my suitcase and put it on. When I was ready, I walked toward the fine-looking white door.

“Good morning, dear,” warmly greeted by a familiar beautiful lady, as soon as I opened the door.

Out of nowhere, flashes of yesterday’s events flooded my mind.

My eyes widened, and my hands flew to my mouth as my jaw dropped.

Oh, my goodness! That wasn’t a dream?!

“Are you all right, dear?” asked Mrs. Tyler, concern etched in her voice. “Did you not sleep well?”

I quickly composed myself. I would collect my thoughts later. For now, I had to focus talking to this woman who kindly offered her home for me to stay at – even though, basically, she believed that her son and I were together.

Ugh. In reality, I wouldn’t be caught dead with that incredibly rude person. But I had made the biggest mistake on acting without clearly thinking about it.

I made a mental note not to do that again.

If it wasn't for the fact that I flew to DC to attend Faith's (my best friend) birthday ball earlier this week, I wouldn't encounter Ethan. However, since she had been by my side through all our years in boarding school and now in college, how could I not give back a little favor and attend her twenty-first birthday?

Even if because of it, I met such a crude person.

Oh, heavens. Faith. I forgot to call her last night and update her. She would no doubt be shocked by the sudden turn of events. Knowing her, she would be pleased as well. She had always pushed me to have some excitement in my life.

I made a mental note to ring her as soon as I finished talking with Mrs. Tyler.

“I’m fine, Mrs. Tyler,” I finally managed to tell her. I smiled and added, “Thank you for letting me stay.”

She waved a hand dismissively. “Oh, you can stay for as long as you like. And you can call me ‘Cher’.”

“Thank you again, Cher.”

“No need to worry, dear.” She smiled, patting my cheek with her hand lightly. “Now, I came to invite you to a luncheon with a few of my friends at the Country Club. Would you like to come?”

I had the strongest urge to roll my eyes. Gratefully, I managed to stop myself from doing so.

I was greatly used to people inviting me to luncheons, dinners, and parties. What bothered me about it was that they weren’t really inviting me for me. They only invited me because of my surname – because my father was Don Howard, one of the country’s richest men. And they wanted to get on his good side.

Mismatched Compatibility (A and D Spin-Off)Where stories live. Discover now