We Meet Again...

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Raylene's P.O.V


I hardly think about them anymore. Well at least I try not to. But with Ross on TV and R5 songs playing everywhere it gets difficult.

  I moved to California after college and now I manage some of the most successful talents in Hollywood along with my co-workers Kassandra and Mia. We work so well together it's almost like we're only one person. Currently we have been flooded with people that want us to manage them.

   At the moment we are all at home preparing to meet with our newest clients. Oh did I mention that the three of us live together as well. I finished dressing and I waited for Kass and Mia.

They both came down and I smiled at my two friends.

"Took you both long enough." I said

"Sorry, Unlike Beyoncé I don't wake up like this" Mia gestured to herself and laughed.

"Alright enough chit-chat we have places to be" Kassandra said.

The three of us made our way outside and got onto our separate cars. My phone buzzed. It was our new clients. They had texted me the address of the meeting place. I forwarded the text message to the other girls and started the car.

We arrived at this beautiful house. But I couldn't help but feel like something terrible was going to happen. Kassandra, Mia, and I all stepped out of our cars.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked them

"Yeah let's do this" Kass cheered

We walked up to the door and knocked. A woman came to the door and greeted us with a huge smile.

"You three must be from MKR." She said.

"Yes we are. I'm Raylene and that's Kassandra and Mia" I gestured to each of the girls. The woman's face seemed to drop when I said my name. She studied me before stepping aside and saying

"Please come in." She said.

We follow her inside. She looked around and stopped before a door.

"I believe everyone is down in the practice room. You don't mind walking down some stairs do you?" She asked

"No, not at all. But if you don't mind I never quite caught your name" Mia replied

"Oh right of course. I'm, Stormie" She seemed hesitant to tell us her name. She looked over to me.

"Well we best get down there and start this meeting now shouldn't we" Kassandra stated and walked down.

As we followed Kassandra down the stairs I could hear laughter. Stormie stopped at the bottom and asked us to wait for a moment. She entered the room and all the laughing fell silent. Stormie poked her head around the corner and told us to come in. Kassandra entered first. Then Mia and I followed behind.

"Everyone, these young ladies are from the MKR management company" Stormie announced.

"Hello. I'm Kassandra. And that's Mia and our boss Raylene" Kassandra introduced us. But when she said my name two heads snapped in my direction. They just stared at me. It wasn't until I finally looked around the room at each one of their face that I realized where I was.

The Lynchs.....

"It's nice to meet you all." An older man spoke "I'm Mark Lynch"

"Oh I know" I said

"Have we met before?" Mark questioned

"Indeed we have." I said. The room was silent once again as everyone studied me.
   "Okay so if we're done with this awkward moment we'd love to actually get back to the meeting considering that the three of us are very busy people" Mia announced. She's always been one to get right to the point.

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