Knock Out

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Rydel's P.O.V

Previously: "It was a video of..."

Ryland and Raylene back home in Colorado. They liked like they were doing some kind of homework. They read different passages to each other and I couldn't quite catch what it was until Raylene spoke.

Video: It was Rocky holding the camera he look around and said,

"Ryland and Raylene are doing their homework together" he then turned the camera to face the two of them in the kitchen.

"Ry do I have to read this it's so stupid" Ray complained

"If you want to pass the test then yes you do have to read it" he responded

"But it's stupid I mean listen to this" She said and began reading from the book, " 'Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. And lips O you the doors of breath seal with a righteous kiss.' " Ray read.

Ryland looked at her and you could see a faint look of admiration in his eyes. He looked like he was in love.

" Can you actually believe this mess" She chuckled

"Oh come on you aren't actually saying you don't believe in love. Are you?" he asked

"Nope its all a big joke" She laughed,"Well thanks for helping Ry but I have to go. Bye." She got up from the table and left.

  But when she was gone Ryland let out a huge sigh and actually let a tear fall from his eye.

"Dude are you crying?" Rock asked from behind the camera. Ryland jumped up from the table and the video cut off.


I looked up at Ryland and he had tears in his eyes. I quickly pulled him into a hug. And felt a few of his tears hit my shoulder. He looked up at me and smiled weakly.

"You alright baby bro?" I asked

"Yeah just you know memories and stuff." He sniffed.

"You were in Love with her weren't you?" I ruffled his hair.

"Yeah I was. But it's fine. I have Kimberly now so everything is fine." He smiled

"Yeah totally" I said trying to hold in my disgust. None of us like her. Not even mom and she likes everyone.

"Speaking of Kimberly, wasn't she here when I ran up here?" he asked

"Uh yeah. She was but she left." I smiled

"Why are you smiling?" Ryland looked at me weirdly.

"Oh, uh we should probably get back down with the fam" I jumped up and ran out of the room.

  We walked down and everyone asked Ryland if he was okay. He nodded and we sat and talked for the remainder of the day.

~~~Next day ~~~~

Ryland's POV

Today we're having a party at our place to celebrate the 2nd part of R5's tour that's starting next week. Right now we're all down in the basement going over a few last minute details. Suddenly Rydel's jumped up and screamed.

"We have to invite Raylene" All the guys agreed. Rydel's had already ran off to likely make a call to Raylene

"I don't really know guys. Kimberly is coming and I don't want the two of them to mix" I said quietly.

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