Take Me Back

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Ryland's Pov

After Raylene's "sister" left. Ray looked absolutely crushed. Nobody could tell what she was about to do. She looked as if she was about to double over sobbing. But she also looked like she was two seconds away from ripping the hospital apart. And if I know anything about Raylene it's that she's perfectly capable of doing both. I pulled her into my chest and pet her hair softly, little sobs escaped her as she nuzzled her head closer to me.

"Ryland, I want to go home. I don't want to see him." Ray mumbled pressed against my shirt

"Okay if that's what you'd like then we can go right now." I replied

My family loaded into the car and we drove back to Raylene's home. The ride was silent, nobody knew exactly what to say. Ray had almost lost her father tonight. Sure, he wasn't the best man in the world but no matter what he's her father. He made mistakes. And I hope that one day Raylene will be able to forgive him.

When we arrived at the penthouse Ray had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I carried her in and up to her home. Everyone sat around in the livingroom and I took Raylene up to her room. I laid her down gently on her bed and she began to stir a bit.

"Ryland, please stay with me." She mumbled and rolled over to give me access to the bed.

"Are you sure you don't want to change? That's seriously an expensive dress I don't think Thaxton would approve of you sleeping in it." I joked

Raylene laughed a bit before getting out of bed and walking over to her closet to find something to change into. I look over to her bedside table and see a picture frame perched on top. When I looked at the picture I couldn't help but smile.

 When I looked at the picture I couldn't help but smile

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Raylene and I as children. I remember that moment. I was telling Ray a joke but my brother and Rydel said it looked as if I were kissing her head.

"You know that's one of my most prized possessions. I think it's the best memory I have of our childhood." Ray said walking back to her bed in one of my, "DJ Ryland" t-shirts that was about a good 2 sizes too big for her.

"I remember this. Wasn't this at our family's cabin? During the big Christmas eve party that we would throw every year." I chuckled as I reminisced to our better days.

"Those years were some of our best memories." Ray said snuggling closer into her covers

I laid in bed next to Ray and came face to face with her, "Well I promise you that the two of us are going to make so many new memories together. And hopefully it's forever because I love you so much Ray."

"I love you too Ryland. I'm so glad that you came with me tonight. I wouldn't have gotten through this night if it wasn't for you Ry. Thank you."

We both lay there enjoying eachother's embrace staring at each other in the comfortable darkness of the bedroom. This moment would have been so perfect...the girl of my dreams laying in my arms. But something just felt off. I didn't want to ask her the question spinning through my head but I wouldn't be able to rest without knowing,

"Ray, are we back together?"

She sighed, "Ryland, with everything that's happened tonight I really can't even begin to think of this right now. It's just too much, I just found out that I was born out of a twisted act of adulatory and yet all you can think of is if we're a couple. I thought you would understand this and give me time."

"I know...And I'm so sorry about everything that has happened tonight. I wish I could just take you away and protect you from all of this because I care about you more than you could ever imagine. But Ray, can't you see how much this is hurting me? How bad i want to say that you're my girlfriend again and hopefully the woman that I will one day marry?" I said leaving her bed and making my way to the door.

"Ryland please stop just come back to bed." Ray insisted while sitting up in her bed.

"I need an answer Raylene." I said as i turned and left her room.

On the inside I'm crushed. I just don't want to lay there with her in my arms and not be able to know that she's mine. To have complete confidence that she's not going to be with anyone else accept me. I walk back into the living room where my family is still sitting trying to process what has happened tonight

"Hey Ry, how's Ray doing?" Rydel asked

"She's alright. She went back to bed after she changed." I responded

"You were gone for a while dude. Did Raylene wake up ready for a make-up make-out session." Rocky said chuckling and fist bumping Riker.

"No. She doesn't even know if she wants to get back together with me! I understand that she's been through a lot today and that I'm the whole reason that we broke up but I just can't deal with being so in love with her and have her not take me back."

"Ryland honey I know it's hard for you. But you hurt her. You just need to give her time to decide if she still wants to be in a relationship with you." My mother said hugging me trying to comfort me.

"I know. But I just really miss being with her. It's only been a few days and I can't take it! The two of us were just laying there with each other and talking about our childhood memories and everything was perfect! She says she loves me but she doesn't want to be with me!" I cried

"Ryland just hold on...She'll come around eventually." Riker said

I hope so...But part of me just doesn't think that Raylene and I are possible anymore.


Raylene are you finally happy that i updated. Now you can stop complaining every time I see you.

Lol no but I am so sorry for taking ever to update. I want to know about everyone who reads. SO comment about yourself or DM me anytime if you want to have a conversation.

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