Plane Ride and Cute Guys

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Raylene's P.O.V


     I've spent these last few days with endless tour prep. I haven't spoke to any of the Lynchs since I left the the other day. I've gotten a lot of text from them all asking if I'd come and hang out with them. Especially Ryland. I just have one of the MKR interns send a reply saying that I'm busy and can't do anything with them.

      But today's finally the day. Well more like the morning. It's about 3am and I'm on my way to the Lynch house. I swear if these boys aren't ready I'm going to blow a fuse. I took the liberty of putting alarms in all of their phones to make sure they woke up on time.

       When I arrived it was about 3:15. I walked straight into the house considering that they gave me a key for some strange reason. And just like I thought Rydel, Stormie, and Mark were the only ones ready.

  "Hello Ray. The guys aren't ready            yet. As usual." She said.

    "Ugh, why not. Do they not know how to follow directions. I have to go get them up." I groaned

     "I'll get Ross, Riker, and Ell you wake Rocky and Ryland." She got up and we walked up the steps.

      Rydel opened the first door and I heard a girlish scream. It must be Ross. I walked down the hall a bit until I found a room that I knew had to be Rocky's considering he had a plaque that was labeled "The Sexy Beast" he's always thought he was so hot. I walked in and saw him asleep so peaceful. That has to change. I walked over to him and poked his face. He stirred but did not wake up. So I pulled his hair a bit and he still didn't wake up. So finally I walked to the other side of his bed and rolled him on to the floor. He shot up and looked around the room.

    "What's going on?!?!" He asked

    "If you're not dressed and downstairs in the next 10 minutes we're going to Europe without you." I threatened and stormed out of his room.

     Now for Ryland. This should be fun because he absolutely hates being woken up. I approached his door and slowly open it. I crept over to his bed and sat on the edge. I gently shook him to wake him up.

    "Ryland, come on you have to get up now." I whispered and he slightly stirred in bed.
     "Ryland if you don't get up right now I'm going to throw your equipment in the pool." I said a little louder. Ryland jolted awake.

   "You wouldn't dare." He said in disbelief

    "Good you're awake. Now come on be dressed and downstairs in 5 minutes" I smiled and walked out of the room.

   It took the guys way to long to get ready. Then they had to find a few things that they has misplaced. Over all my plane on leaving by 3:30 was completely ruined. We only finished loading all of the luggage. And by now it's 4am we should've been at the airport with all of their endless luggage checked in. But it's fine. If anyone can get eight people to a plane in an hour that person is me.

      When we got to the airport R5 and Ryland were surrounded by fans who apparently require no sleep at all. Finally after stopping for fans about fifty times it was 5:25 and we still had to get to our correct gate to board the flight by 5:30 . I squeezed through the crowd of girls and stood in between them and the guys and Rydel.

    "Okay I'm going to need everyone to get out of our way we have to board our plane. Thank you." I yelled and the girls quickly moved out of our path. I turned to the band and yelled,"Come on we don't have time to just stand here GO!"

     We made it to our gate just in time. It took me forever to get Riker and Rocky to stop fighting over who got the window seat. So finally I just pushed Rocky into the seat and told Riker to sit. The seating went: Ross, Rocky, and Riker then Rydel,Ratliff, and Ryland, then Stormie and Mark sat by themselves.  I had a whole row to myself. I was directly across the isle from Ryland so we just stared at eachother. Until a figure blocked my veiw.I looked up to see a tall dark haired male standing by my seat.

   "Would you mind scooting over one I believe you're in my seat." He spoke

  "Oh yeah sure no problem." I said shyly. He looked like an angel.
     Soon the plane took off and they announced that we were free to use our electronic devices. I pulled out my laptop because I still had some work to do. I was about to start when the guy tapped my shoulder.

   "You seem very interesting." He said

   "I hope that's a good thing." I slightly chuckled

  "Very good. I'm Thaxton. And you would be Raylene head of MKR management." He said with confidence.

   "Okay so either you know of my work or you're the best stalker ever." I replied

    "Who wouldn't know of such a beautiful person such as yourself." I looked down as I  began to blush.     After he said it I hear Ryland mumbling something.

    "What was that Ry?" I asked

    "Oh nothing that a 'beautiful person such as yourself' needed to hear." He scoffed mocking Thaxton.

    Is he jealous? I think he is. I turned around and faced Rydel who was sitting directly behind me. I could tell by how red her face was she was dying to laugh. I pointed over at Riker and she nodded like an idiot. That girl is crazy.

     Me and Thaxton pretty much talked for a long time. We had a lot of things in common. We took some selfies together and he told me his Instagram so I could tag him later. Yet the whole time I could feel that Ryland's eyes were set on the two of us. I fell asleep leaning on Thaxton after about 4 hours.

    When I woke up we finally landed in Paris and R5 was greeted by their fans. I allowed them to interact with the fan girls because I was to busy continuing my conversation with Thaxton.

    "Oh my goodness Raylene you are officially my favorite person ever. Why don't you give me your number and whenever you're back in California call me." He smiled and handed me a piece of paper with his number on it.

    "Yeah totally. I'll be sure to do that." I beamed

    "Hey guys!" Ryland came out of nowhere and barged into my conversation. "So I know you two are chatting it up over here. But if you don't mind Payton or what ever your name is. We need our manager back so BYE!!!" He exclaimed and pulled me off towards the baggage claim.

~~~~At Hotel~~~~~

The whole ride to the hotel was pretty silent. The entire time Riker stared out of the window and refused to look at me no matter how much I tried to big him and get his attention.

   When we got out if the car I allowed Mark to check us in because he felt like I was doing everything.  I walked next to Ryland and punched his arm lightly. He turned around and glared at me.
    "What's wrong Ry??" I questioned in a low voice so nobody else would hear

     "Oh nothing at all." He replied with a sarcastic tone.

     "Oh okay, because for a minute I thought you were jealous of Thaxton." I turned my attention to my phone.

     "Jealous... Of course I am. I've known you way to long for some random plane guy to just come and swoop you away from me I broke up with Kimberly because I care about you so much!." He wisper-yelled.

    I couldn't even think straight. He was actually jealous. Of Thaxton. I mean sure he was cute but trust me he's no Ryland Lynch.

    "Oh Ry you have nothing to worry about. You will always be able to wish I was yours." I chuckled

He turned around and didn't bother to respond. But I could faintly hear him talking to himself. The only thing I was actually able to make sense of was, " Wishes can come true."

Just so you all know the only couples that I have in existence. Right now are Raylene and Ryland (unofficial) and Rydellington. So tell me if you think I should give the other guys Girlfriends. I was gonna go with Mia for Rocky and let Ross stay with Courtney but I'm not really sure... Comment your suggestions below.

      Lots of Love~

PS. If you know who the guy in that picture is then you are totally amazing.

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