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This happened 2 days ago and I'm still shook about it. Okay so here's how it went;

Before R5 got on stage I went to the back of the room around where Ryland was standing and security told me that I couldn't walk over there so I decided to just go back to where my sister was and wait for the concert to be over. So when it was over I went to the back and once again stood near where I was but not in the section where security told me I couldn't be. There was like 3 other girls standing there waiting to see if they could take a picture with him and he packed up his equipment and then he gave two of them hugs and he was like " can you wait outside until I'm done like packing up the equipment"  because he had to go like pack up the whole entire stage. I had never realized how much Ryland actually did before and after a concert like I've never seen that before and it was just like amazing to see how hard he works.

Okay so I went outside with my friends and we were standing around and we met new beat fund and Haley Knox and we were just waiting for Ryland to come out. When he did it was like him, Gus and some like other crew members and they were like rolling the equipment over to a trailer and so we let them like go down the street first and then we followed behind them like stalkers and waited for them to put everything inside. So when they were finally done I was really considering not doing it because I was so nervous like I was physically shaking. So Ryland starts crossing the street and I go towards him and like as soon as he steps off the sidewalk I was like " Ryland do you mind if I take a picture with you" and he was like" yeah sure" and then I had made this sign that said 'Ryland' on it because like even though he wasn't performing I still wanted to like support him so I showed him the sign and he was like "That's so cute thank you so much" and I was just like dying on the inside like I felt like crying right there but I was holding it in. And he just kept apologizing to me because he was so sweaty since it was so hot in the venue, like there was like absolutely no air in there so everybody was like drenched in sweat. And I was just like "oh it's fine it's okay" and then we took the picture and I was like thank you so much and he was like "thank you that is such a cute poster"  and I swear to God I let a tear escape while he was walking away because I could not believe I actually did that... Like I actually just spoke to Ryland Michael Lynch😤And took a picture with him, and hugged him....I literally told myself that if I got hit by a car in that moment, I would be fine with it😭

I literally told myself that if I got hit by a car in that moment, I would be fine with it😭

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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