What A Life

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Previously: "So Rydel since you're currently hugging me I suspect that means you either forgive me or just want me because of the Ball.."

Raylene's POV

Rydel looked at me...

"Raylene I should be asking if you forgive me. It was so wrong of me in the first place to be snooping through your room. I'm so sorry." She stated and I pulled her into her own hug.

"It's alright. I mean if I found out that a 15 year old was out to ruin my family I would be pretty mad as well." I chuckled

"So when is it?" Ross asked

"Tomorrow night after the concert." I smiled "So we will have time to come back here so you can shower since you will be all gross and disgusting."

"Yeah so you kids get to rock it with the fans. Then chill with the queen." Stormie clapped excitedly

"Speaking of rocking it with the fans you guys need to sleep its getting late and we have to be up by 9." Mark said and everyone groaned and went up to the rooms.

Mia went up to her office and Thaxton left after I told him the time to be back for the ball. Only one person was left down with me. Ryland. I just messed with the keys of my piano hoping he would get the point that I didn't want to talk to him. But of course being the guy he is he continued to sit on the couch just looking at me.

"You know ever since we were kids you were never able to understand when I didn't want to be bothered." I said through clenched teeth.

"Yeah but I've never needed to talk to you as much as I do now." He got up and walked over to the piano sitting on the bench. He tried to hold my hand but I pulled away from his touch. "Ray please just listen to me. I had absolutely no idea that Thaxton was gay. I was just upset about what I read in your books."

"Which you shouldn't have been reading in the first place may I remind you." I huffed

"Yeah I know that. But Ray I shouldn't have broken up with you. I thought you were about to cheat on me. Right in front of me. I just really messed up Ray and I need you back" He looked like he was about to cry.

"Maybe someday Ryland. But right now I just need space." and I brushed off the tear that had slipped from his eye,"I would love it if you would still accompany me to the ball tomorrow night. Being there for me is a step to forgiveness."

"Of course I will be there for you. But one more thing to ask you." He got up from his seat and now looked down on me.

"What would that be?" I asked

"Can I still hug you?" I nodded and opened my arms for him.

We hugged for a while. It was silent but yet comfortable. I pulled away and turned to walk upstairs.

"Go to bed. You have to get up early in the morning." I smiled

"Alright. But Ray just know that no matter what. I will win your forgiveness. We're getting back together." He said behind me as I continued up to my room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~At The Concert During R5soundcheck~~~~~~~~~~

Ryland's Pov

We all felt that today was a special day so I joined R5 during their sound check.  While we were answering questions from the fans one of them asked if Ray would come out and join us. After some convincing she came out and sat next to Rydel. Next it was Rydel's turn to be asked a question.

"So Rydel why is Raylene sitting next to you instead of with Ryland?" a fan in the second row asked

"Because she's my best friend and loves me more" Delly smiled and made a weird face at me.

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