Why's He Here??

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Raylene's P.O.V

For minutes after they left everyone was silent. Nobody moved and nobody spoke. We stayed in the same position we were in when they left. I believe everyone was in shock. Unsure of what just happened.

The period of silence was broken when Josh came running into the living room out of breath.

"My goodness did you just run up the stairs?" I asked

"I had to that idiot brother of mine broke the elevator." He said. Josh and Jesse are brothers. Twins to be specific. Josh is the one who introduced me to him. "But I didn't recognize the girl he was with. Do you know her?"

"Sadly yes. I'll tell you about that later. But we're all fine and you can take the private elevator down." I Smiled at him and he nodded before making his way down the hall to my elevator that mainly only the help use.

Once again silence filed the room. I had to do something.

"So, who's hungry? I know I am. What about you guys?" I smiled at everyone

"I'm not eating anything here unless I know that it wasn't poisoned by that lunatic and Ryland's crazy ex." Rocky responded

"Yeah same, plus how do I know Raylene isn't trying to make all of us sick." Rydel huffed

"Okay that's it!" I yelled "Rydel if you want to keep being upset with me over something that I wrote years ago after you all left then fine. But I won't stay here and listen to it." I stormed to the elevator where Denise waited with my coat. But then I turned around, "Ask Denise or Mia if you need anything. And this time, please stay out of my room" And with that Ieft. I didn't know where exactly I was going. Maybe I'll visit one of my friends.

When I reach the lobby my phone begins to ring. I look at the caller ID to see the name of a person that I hadn't seen or heard from since tour started. It was Thaxton. I decided to answer considering I needed someone to talk to.

R: Raylene
T: Thaxton
~~~~~~Phone Conversation~~~~~~~
R: Hello distant stranger. Why haven't you called me in so long?

T: Very busy with work. But anyway. How's tour? How's it going with you and that sexy DJ.(you see one thing Ryland didn't let me explain about Thaxton was that he is 0% interested in women)

R: I don't really know Thax I kinda messed up and now I think his entire family, well besides his parents hate me. But on the bright side I have all of London to explore alone since they're all mad at me

T: What are the odds that I'm right behind you. And have been waiting for you to notice me?


I turned around and sure enough. There he was. I jumped and hugged him.

"OMG Thax it's so nice to see you. It's been awhile." I smiled

"I know. There's only so long someone can miss your amazing self." he said as we hugged

"You know what. We're going to catch up. Let's go back up to my penthouse, ignore the Lynchs and have a Netflix marathon?" I asked.

Thaxton smiled and we both ran off to the elevator. As we neared my floor Thax spoke,

"Raylene what about Ryland? He doesn't exactly like me and my face is to beautiful to get puncehd?"

"Don't worry about him. If he tries to hurt you I'll stop him." I replied and he just shrugged as the doors opeded.

We stepped out to find everyone in the livingroom still as silent as before. All of their heads turned in the direction of the elevator. I grabbed Thaxton's hand and pulled him towards the steps. Ryland jumped up from the couch.

"Raylene why is he here?" he questioned through gritted teeth.

"Because he's my friend. And this is my home. Which means that I can bring whoever I want here whenever I want. Plus you don't have to worry because he-" I tried to explain but Ryland stopped me

"Right he's totally just your friend. Who you're currently holding hands with. Who you're also leading upstairs to do god knows what. Raylene I don't understand you anymore. You have journals in your plans ruin our careers! And now you cheat on me with some guy you met on a plane! We're done!" He yelled I could literally feel my heart crumble.

I released Thaxton's hand and ran up the steps to my office.

Ryland's POV

Raylene ran up the stairs leaving Thaxton here.He was just shaking his head at me in what looked like disappointment.

"Why are you still standing here?" I asked him.

"Because you should be ashamed of yourself. If Raylene's sentence was going where I thought it was. Then she was about to tell you not to worry because I'M GAY!" He screamed and my mother coughed to avoid choking on her food, "She would never cheat on you she loves you. We've had multiple conversations where all she would do is talk about how much she loves you. And you just broke her heart." He said and ran up the stairs to find Raylene I assume.

   Oh my god did I just broke up with the person I love over a guy who doesn't even like women. I turned back to the group and my mom threw a slipper a at me. At least it's fluffy but it still hurt.

"Mom really?!" I asked holding my face

"Sorry honey . I still love you but that was the dumbest thing you've ever done. And you better fix it before we leave London. Or Raylene may not be coming home with us." She said.

She's right I messed up bad. And now I have to fix this....

Okay just if anyone wanted to know. Thaxton was this really hot guy at my school and like everyone had some sort of attraction to him.... Just wait till next time to see if Rayland survives...

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