Eleven- Autograph

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Hehe this will happen someday......

You and your friend look around in search of rapmon or any of the other boys. You guys took a trip to Seoul for a week. You guys always wanted to go there.

The boys just tweeted that they were happy to be home. They also tweeted that they miss there favorite restaurant here in Korea and they were eating.

You and your friend are unsure who it is that tweeted but no matter who it is you will be excited anyway.

"Let's do some sight seeing we could stalk them later." Your friend said. You frowned playfully. You both laughed and started to walk. You then get your hopes up and hope for the best.

"What if Kookie asked me on a date? Or what is Suga raps to me omg!" You say with your voice full of excitement.

"Or what if we don't see them at all." Your friend says you playfully smack her on the shoulder. She let's out a laugh.

"I am just kidding." She said. You and her walk around. You find yourself outside of a Restaurant. "Hey, do you want some kimchi? You never tried it so why not try it here in Korea?" She said.

"Oh My God yes!! But, you are going to have to talk because I am really bad at Korean so.." You tell her she nods. "I got you." She says and pats your shoulder.

After you and your friend are stuffed from eating all that kimchi you wash it down with soda. You and your friend leave the store satisfied.

You and your friend decide to walk around more. You then hear a group of girls screaming. They were yelling thing in Korean that you didn't understand. Why are they yelling so much. You thought. You turned around to see what they were running to.

You looked and you say a taller blonde figure. Your eyes widened. RAPMON??!! you thought. You tapped your friend a billion times she was in shock too.
After the girls left you to walked over there. Your legs began to shake and you started to blush.

"Hi! Hi! Can I have your autograph PLEASE?!" your friend asked. Beating you to the punch.

"Sure, what's your name?" He asked. Your friend told him her name and took a selife with him.

You stood there still In shock. "Hello." He said with a friendly smile causing you to blush even more.

"Can I have your autograph?" You asked. He held out his hand for the paper. You hands were shaking.

He smiled handing you the paper back. "C-can I have a hug?" You asked you hugged him butterflies flew In your stomach, goosebumps ran up your spine.

"You're beautiful." Rapmon whispered in your ear. More goosebumps, and more chills cover your body as you feel his hot breath breathing down your neck. You guys then let go of the hugs and waved good bye.

"Oh my god!! We just meet Rapmon!!" Your friend said. You were still in shocked and could barely speak. "What did your paper say?" She asked trading papers. She read yours. "Stop. Did you read this?" Your friend say. You shake your head. "Read it." She says you take the paper. It has numbers on it then
It reads:
Call me tonight babe, you are so beautiful.

You smile at the later your face is read and hot as hell.


Hehe actually had a dream about this one.

Oh and I will find out how to say good bye and love you in Korean I just forgot.


love you army!

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