The Boy Next Door

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Chapter 18 - The boy next door

As Gibbs moored the boat at the public swimming area, Tony jolted awake.

"Where are we Dad?" he asked suddenly, the abrupt movement of the boat having woken him up.

"Hey sleepy head," greeted Gibbs as Tony rubbed his eyes and looked around. "We're back at the public area. Gonna pick up Mom and Ziva and then head back to the cottage."

"My fish!" said Tony suddenly looking around. "What happened to my fish and my rod and stuff?"

"Don't panic. I packed it up for you. And your fish is in the bucket with the others," replied Gibbs, grinning at Tony who still looked half asleep.

"When did I fall asleep?" he asked.

"Pretty much straight after catching that second fish of yours," answered Gibbs. "I guess all that pulling wore you out!" he added laughing.

"It was pretty big wasn't it?" said Tony grinning.

"Biggest one today," replied Gibbs proudly.

"Did you catch anymore after I fell asleep?" asked Tony as he removed his life jacket and straightened his hat.

"Three more but I had to put two back as they were too small," said Gibbs as he too removed his life jacket and helped Tony onto the jetty.

"So that's four for tea tonight. Two from you and two from me," calculated Tony.

"Yep," replied Gibbs. "A nice little feast for us."

He put his arm around Tony and the two of them made their way onto the area known as the beach. Scanning the area, Gibbs finally spotted Jenny sitting under the shade of a large tree. The little bundle lying on the sand next to her he presumed was Ziva. Heading in that direction, he waved as Jenny looked up and spotted him.

"Hey there, my two handsome men," said Jenny as she stood up and walked the last few feet towards them. "How was the fishing?"

"It was great Mom," said Tony as Jenny hugged him and kissed his forehead. "I caught two fish, and Dad says my second catch was the biggest for the day!"

"Well done honey," said Jenny to Tony as she put her hand on Gibbs' shoulder and gave him a kiss. "And how about you?" she asked looking into the cobalt blue eyes. "Are we having fish for dinner, or do we need to buy some steak?"

"Definitely fish," replied Gibbs as he smiled and returned the kiss.

Looking over Jenny's shoulder he spied Ziva curled up on the blanket.

Following his gaze, Jenny said, "She conked out about 45 minutes ago. I guess all the swimming wore her out."

"Yep, the fishing wore Tony out too," replied Gibbs tousling Tony's hair. "He's had an hour's kip as well."

Looking at Jenny, Gibbs said, "You right to head home?"

"Sounds good to me," she replied, turning and heading back to where Ziva was still sleeping soundly.

As Jenny re-packed the bags and picked everything up giving a couple of things to Tony to carry, Gibbs reached down and gathered Ziva, towel and all, into his arms and together they walked back to the boat. As they navigated their way across the sand and rocks, Ziva stirred and opened her eyes.

"Good afternoon Sweet Pea," said Gibbs as Ziva looked up to see where she was. Now that she was awake he maneuvered her so that she was sitting on his hip. "Did you have a good sleep?"

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