Bedtime Shenanigans

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Chapter 14- Bedtime Shenanigans

By nine o'clock that evening, Tony and Ziva were nowhere near ready to go to bed. Both had been bathed and showed and were in their new summer pyjamas sitting on the couch watching a Disney movie on the television. As the credits rolled signalling the end of the movie, Gibbs stood up expecting the two children to follow him.

"But Daddy, I'm not tired," whined Ziva when Gibbs informed them it was bedtime.

"Ziva, it's an hour past your bedtime already," reasoned Gibbs. "Now upstairs please," he said firmly.

"If Ziva stayed up an hour past her bedtime then I should be allowed to stay up until ten o'clock," said Tony snuggling back into Jenny on the couch ready for round two of television watching.

"I wouldn't count on that logic," said Jenny putting her arm around him.

"Neither would I," responded Gibbs. "Now we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow and you both need to get some sleep otherwise you'll be too tired to enjoy it. So, I suggest you both get your little butts upstairs and into bed before I get to three."

He started counting,


"But Daddy," whined Ziva again bouncing on her feet. "I'm not tired!"

"Yeah Dad, me neither," complained Tony.

"Two," said Gibbs.

"Go on Tony," said Jenny as she pushed him up from the sofa. "You too Ziva. I don't think you really want to be sitting in a car for three hours tomorrow if Daddy gets to three," she warned.

"Ooh, it's not fair," grumbled Ziva and she and Tony reluctantly turned to head up the stairs.

"Three!" said Gibbs and he began to chase them towards the stairs.

Jenny laughed as the two children squealed, running out of Gibbs reach.

"Ok, teeth brushed and I'll be there in a minute," he called as he stopped on the bottom step and watched them head on up. Turning back to Jenny, he asked, "Coffee?"

"Sounds good," she said yawning and stretching as she stood up from the couch.

"I'll get it," he said as she began to walk towards the kitchen.

"Race ya," she said playfully and scurried ahead as Gibbs increased his pace.

Grabbing her around the waist before she could reach the bench, he swung her around so that he touched the bench first.

"Beat ya," he said softly into her ear as his hands made their way up her back and began to tangle in her hair. "So what do I get for winning?"

"This," she replied, and leaned in to kiss him teasingly, nibbling at his top lip, while her hands made a southward journey of their own.

"Jen!" he moaned as she rubbed her palm against the zipper of his jeans. "I've got children to put to bed."

"I'm just giving you a preview of what to expect," she said seductively, kissing down his chin and onto his neck stopping only when her mouth met the fabric of his shirt.

Taking her hand and placing it firmly by her side he said, "On second thoughts, you can make the coffee. You obviously need to keep your hands busy."

"Oh they were busy, they were having a lovely time," she said smirking at him.

"Coffee!" he said gruffly turning her towards the coffee machine. "I'll be back in a minute," he added, heading out the kitchen.

As Gibbs reached the upstairs landing he could hear giggling and squealing coming from the bathroom. As he entered the room, he saw Tony and Ziva engaging in a toothbrush flicking war.

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