2: For sure

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Jasmine P.O.V

Donald grabbed the keys from Chance and we left out. "You know which way to go from here?" I asked him lowly.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't scared to talk to him I had been doing it all day but now we're alone and it's just different. Better almost.

"For the most part." He said with a half smile. We sat in silence for about 20 minutes I occasionally gave him direction here and there until he spoke up.

"So um.. Jasmine... I waited to say this until we were almost to your house so we didn't have to ride with the awkwardness depending on how you answered but.... Uh....." He said dragging out his sentences as if he didn't want to say it. Awww he's nervous.

"Come on Donald, just say it." I chuckled. "Ok ok, well-

Donald P.O.V

This was a hell of a lot easier in my head! I thought we were just gonna ride, then when we get close to her house, I use my smooth skills to get her number. Then that's it I could get her where I need her.

But no. It was not that easy or simple. I got choked up. Now she was waiting for me to continue and I just look like a fucking idiot. Damn it.

"Ok ok well, I wanted know if I .. Could get your number.. you know we can chill sometime. Your pretty cool."
I said trying to get it over with, wile still being smooth.

"Yeah sure." She said laughing.

I handed her my phone and she put her number in and saved her contact.
Yes. Yes. Fuck yes.

Jasmine P.O.V

I decided to give Donald my number which I usually don't do but, he's cool and he was nervous and it was cute.

Once I get in my house I showered and went straight to bed. For the first time in a while I'm not stressing.

--Next Day--

When I woke up I did my hygiene routine. As soon as I got comfortable on the couch I get a a text from Brie. Here we go again god dammit!

Brie: Come Over Now.

Me: Umm ok is it an emergency?

Brie: Just come I'm not fucking joking.

Damn ok what's up her ass?

When I got to her house she swung the door open angrily. One I got in and sat down she began speaking.

"I'm going to ask you this one time and one time only. Are you fucking with Chance?" Bish what?!

"Nigga what?" I said laughing. "I don't want Chance. He's a little immature for ME Brie, why would you accuse me of that?"

"This girl Lacey who claims to work with Chance at the studio, said she saw you 'all up on him' and she thought she should let me know."

Shit. Lacey. Nope Brie shouldn't know this. When I met Chance in high school, he was dating this crazy bitch Lacey..and it lasted for a while. When they broke up Chance was all messed up so I introduced him to Brie. And that was that.

But Brie is not one who does well with drama so, we don't tell her about it. Continue the conversation.

"So you took her fucking word?"
I said trying to keep the argument away from Lacey.

"I know I'm sorry it's just, Chance is like being really distant since the other day.... Let's drop it."

"Yeah." We're in the clear.

"So you going to Tyler's party tomorrow ?" She asked changing the subject. I had completely forgotten about that. Tyler and his rowdy friends threw these huge parties at this big warehouse that people rent out. They're usually pretty fun but the morning after? Hell to the no.

"Ehh I guess, you and Chance going?"

"Duh! And your welcome by the way." she said.

"Your welcome for what"? I asked uneasily, she always doing or saying dumb shit.

"I told Donald you had no one to take you and he said he would do that for sure." She said doing an impression of him saying for sure causing me to break out in laughter.

"Why would you tell him that omg!" I said even though low key I was a little bit exited.

"Don't act like you not crushing mad hard on that bum ass nigga." she said laughing really hard.

"He isn't a bum ass nigga shut up. What time is the party? " I said rolling my eyes. "It starts at like 7:00." she said reading on her phone.

"Aight I'll be there ima head home to see what I'm gonna wear see you later."

"Alright get cute for Donald." She said closing the door. I rolled my eyes and left to my car. She's a mess.

When I got home I immediately looked for an outfit.

What to where.


Ayeee chapter 2 I feel like I'm writing to myself for some reason like nobody is even reading this but whatever vote and comment for more chapters I know I said that last time but idc. Chapter 3 coming maybe next week? This chapter is shitty. Later Losers.

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