11: Damn....

389 25 13

Jasmine P.O.V

Donald was on the floor yelling. I was so scared of the breaking of glass I couldn't make out what he was saying.


"Jasmine call the police! Please!" I was frozen in fear.

I looked at him. I always had anxiety problems and this isn't helping.

Blood. On him, the sheets, the floor, on me.

"OH SHIT!" Donald, who seemed to be wounded, forced himself up and pulled me down.

A bullet hit the mirror behind me and the glass crashed onto us.

"Get from back there!" A loud deep voice boomed causing me to jump.

Just as I started to get up Donald pulled me down and he stood up.

"Where the fuck Anissa? I heard you was fucking with my bitch!" The man yelled at Donald.

"Yo man I swear to God I don't know! H-How did you get here!?"

He shot again and I screamed.

"DONT FUCKING QUESTION ME! I'm not the type of nigga who likes to fucked with!"

Donald tried to speak which resulted in him coughing up blood before dropping to the floor. He'd been shot again.

"NO! What the fuck is your problem!?" I yelled jumping up bodly.

"Look bitch, I don't want to hurt you I just need to know where my hoe is."

All this over a bitch?

"Like Donald said, I DONT KNOW! Just leave us alone....please." Something came over me. I began to sob uncontrollably. Just when I lost hope the door of the room burst open.

"Police! Get on the ground everyone!"

Donald P.O.V

"Donald? Donald please say something." I heard soft crying.

I attempted to speak to her but I couldn't for some reason, every time I attempted to talk I felt an intense pain.

"Donald? Baby please. " The cries got louder.

"D-Don't cry" I could finally bring myself to say.

"Oh my goodness! You're finally speaking are you okay babe?"

"Yeah I'm okay I- What the hell?" I opened my eyes not to see Jasmine but Anissa.

"Hey Donald-"

"What are you doing here? Where is Jasmine? Matter of fact you the one that got us in to this!" I said attempting to sit up before horribly failing.

"Jasmine didn't show up....she was telling me how she couldn't deal with you putting her in danger...."

"No she couldn't have-"

"Donald....I'm sorry."

Jasmine P.O.V

"You have to let me in that room!"

"I'm sorry Ms.Siharreth, they said only one visitor at a time and his girlfriend-"


"Ma'am we just can't let you in I'm sorry-"

"Sorry deez nuts! Imma give you maybe 10 seconds to tell me what his room number is or this bitch is burning down!"

"Ma'am you can't-"

"10, 9, 8, 7...."

"OK! He's in room C65! " The woman at the desk said nervously.

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