Chapter 3

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Ayan's POV

After a few minutes we pulled up in front of Forever 21. We decided to shopping for outfits to wear to the concert. When we stepped in my eyes went widened.

I saw this cream colored dress that went down to my ankles under it was this cream collared sheer material. After a few minutes I found thus cute jean jacket that went well with it. When I was finished I saw Laila.

She had found a similar dress to mine but it was black with a skinny brown belt in the middle. Over it she was going to wear a black leather jacket.

Safiya had found a dark blue high waist skirt and I black tank top with dark blue cardigan. Then we went to go buy shoes.

I had chosen these creme colored sandals. Laila had these black flats and Safiya had black sandals. I also had a blue ring to match my jean jacket.

After the shooing spree we headed to my car. "So how are you gonna react when you see Zayn Mailk" Laila asked.

"Um... I guess i'll act normal but inside i'll feel like jumping all over the place" u answered. "Does normal even exist for" Laila asked laughing. I put my hand in her face. "Swerve" was all I said.

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