Chapter 15

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Laila's POV

We're through" he said. And he started walking away. I was too dumbstruck to do anything. I felt Niall put his arms around me. "I'm so sorry Laila. I never meant for this too happen' he said. "No, don't blame yourself. It was bound to happen. I just didn't think it would happen like this" I said giving him a warm smile to cheer him up.

"C'mon lets go get ice cream. My treat" he said. "Really?" Yeah let's go".

So we walked into a nearby Dairy Queen. We walked up to the cashier and said our orders. "I would like a Oreo mint chocolate chip" I said. "What size?" Small" I didn't feel like eating a lot of ice cream. "I'll take a butterscotch but make it a large" Niall said while paying.

We grabbed our ice cream and started walking around outside. "Oh crap" I saw two of my moms friends crossing the street headed out way. I pushed Niall into the first store I saw hoping they didn't see us. Suddenly Niall's eyes widened. I looked around and realized we were in Victoria Secret.

"Sorry" I said giving him a small smile. "Jus wait here real quick" I said checking if they were still there.

I walked out and sighed if relief. The were gone. "You can come out now" I said. "You mind telling me why I was hiding?" He asked. I hesitated then answered. "I saw paparazzi" I said. "Oh thanks" he said. I hated lying. But I didn't want to explain to him why I couldn't be seen with him.

Zayn's POV

That night Niall, Harry, and I were back at the hotel room. I was lying on the couch and Niall and Harry were on the floor on top of a mattress that we pulled off of one of the beds. We were all watching tv. After a while I got a little bored of it mostly because I wasn't paying attention. I just saw the occasional guy getting beat up or something.

After yawning multiple times I decided to get up and go to bed. I was laying on my bed when I drifted into a daydream. I imagined picking up a girl to go to a fancy dinner. I pulled up I front of her house.and this breathtaking girl waked out. I looked closer and realized it was... Ayan?

I quickly shaked away the daydream. Why would I want to take Ayan on a date? But the thought of it does make me happy. Could I be falling for her? Well there is only one way to find out.

I got my phone out and went through my contacts. 'MyBestFriend' I smiled at that. It shocked me how close we'd gotten in just a few days.

I clicked on the contact and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello" said her angelic voice. Wait, what? Since when did I call a voice angelic? I quickly shrugged that thought off. "Um... do you wanna hang out tomorrow? Like just you and I? Maybe show me cool sites in Ohio? " I asked. "Sure, but there aren't that many cool things here" she said. "No problem, I'm sure we'll find something to do" I said assuring her. "Okay, see you tomorrow" she said. "Bye" I said and hung up.

I slowly drifted to sleep with a smile upon my face.


So I hoped u liked this chapter. Some of u might have realized i deleted my other stories. I just wasn't feeling those. But I did post a new one called unknown princess so please read that!

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