Chapter 24

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Ayan's POV

If you told me before my high school graduation that I would catch Zayn Malik in my living room talking to my parents. I would've have just said 'I wish'.

So I guess wishes really do come true.


He quickly looked towards me alarmed. Before we could both say anything my mom spoke up.

"Ayan, how on earth do you know a famous singer?" She asked.

"Unless.... You went to the concert!" Ladan exclaimed pointing a finger at me.

"What? There wasn't even a concert in Columbus this year" I said avoiding the part that there was one in Cleveland.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! The concert up in Cleveland. It makes sense now. I knew Safiya wouldn't randomly want to see a cousin and bring you! It was all a lie. I bet there wasn't even a cousin. For all we know you could've partied at a club all night. We don't know you at all" she said screaming at me. Zayn was just standing awkwardly between us.

"Ayan... Just go to your room. We speak about this later" he said in his accent and not the best English.

"But I didn't even do everything she said! There really was a cousin. And we really did visit her. The only thing we did was go to the concert. We just really wanted to go. We won the tickets over the radio. And even meet and greet passes it was a once in a lifetime chance. But I knew you wouldn't agree. So we didn't mention the concert. And I've never stepped inside a club my whole life. That you should at least know about me" I said facing Ladan as I said my last sentence.

Before Ladan could scream back our mom interrupted us.

"That still doesn't explain why he is in our house. Or how you know each other" she pointed out.

Before I could say anything Zayn answered. "She's been teaching me things about Islam. She really helped me and I appreciate it".

"Okay, but you didn't answer the first question".

He turned towards my father.

"Well sir, your daughter changed me for the better. She changed how I view life , she showed me what I did wrong. And what I'm about to ask you I have thought long and hard about it. And I think it's the best choice.

Can I ask for your daughter's hand in marriage?"

Safiya's' POV

I pulled up in the driveway and stepped out of my car. I unlocked the front door and stepped in. "Hello, anyone home?" I called out as I threw my bags onto the couch.

"In the kitchen!" My brother Abdullah called out.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took a water bottle out and I turned to face my older brother.

"So what's going on in your life?" I asked him. "Nothing" he answered quickly. It was just a simple question but I suddenly turned suspicious.

"Abdullah, what's going on?" I asked. I know I sound like I'm older but he's only older by a year. And we've always been the closest to each other in the family.

He sighed. "I've made a huge mistake." He said. I remembered back to the concert. You're not the only one I thought to myself.

He went on. "I... A... I found out a girl liked me. She knew one of my friends so I saw her around a few times. The second my friends found out she liked me they told me. And of course they thought I should ask her out".

"Wait, are any of these guys Muslim?" I asked curious. "Actually yeah, like two of them" he answered. I was surprised at his response. But then not all Muslims are good Muslims.

"And it went in for a while until I just agreed. So I asked her out. Just to hang out in the mall and stuff.

So while we were walking she decided to hold my hand. And I didn't object. After a while I felt like someone was watching me. I looked behind only to find a Muslim girl staring at me. To wasn't one we knew but to still made feel guilty. I just wanted to run over to her and say I've never done this before. But I can't.

I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to the girl since. And I think she was already annoyed with me cause I barely talked through the whole date."

I quickly took all that in. He's nervous as hell about this when I not lied to my parents about Cleveland. But I got kissed by a guy. And I still hangout with the guy.

I looked up at my brother. "Get that girl out of your life. She isn't worth it. And you might wanna get new friends. This may not be the last thing they want you to do" I advised.

He sighed. It's easier said than done" he said and he strapped out of the kitchen.

While hearing the sound of his footsteps going up the stairs I sat down on the couch in the living room. I knew I was being a hypocrite back there. But I might as well take my own advice.

I thought I was bluffing back there when I told Harry I wouldn't go out with him. But I'll do more than that. I'll make sure he's out of my life.

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