Chapter 14

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.Hassan's POV

Laila took a quick glance behind her. She looked surprised. "Niall!" she said. I turned around and saw this blonde haired guy. "Uh... Hi Laila" he said. "What are you doing here" she asked. He was about to answer but she cut him off. "Forget that, did you hear our conversation?" She asked. "Uh". He sighed. "Yes" he s said looking to the floor.

Laila has this sad/ mad/ surprised look on her face. "Oh my god" she said in a dazed voice.she sat a nearby table outside of a smoothie place. She put one hand on her hand. "How much did you hear?" She asked. "The part... the part where you were talking about how hard your relationship was getting because nobody knew" he said carefully due to the fact it looked like she was about to break after every word.

Who does he think he is making my girlfriend feel like pushed against the wall." You got five minutes to leave or that face of yours won't be there"." Come on I won't tell..." He said. But before he could finish the sentence I felt an arm trying I pull me back. "Don't hurt him" Laila said. "Why wouldn't I he was ease dropping. How do you even know him anyway!"

"Uh... he's part of One Direction" she said. "What! What part of stay away from them did you not understand" I exclaimed. "We're just friends, now stop hurting him!" I looked and saw I still had him against the wall. I let go of him and looked her straight in the eye. "We're through".

Harry's POV

I was back at the hotel watching tv when I got a text.

From: Ayan

I got an idea.

To: Ayan


From: Ayan

Meet me at this coffee shop ( address) on Monday

To: Ayan


From: Ayan

I'll tell u later, just pretend that we just accidentally bumped into each other there, okay?

To: Ayan


Two days until the plan goes into actions but what scares me is how it going to work out.


Sorry it's late boring and short!! But I'm having horrible writes block :( :(

Unexpected LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang