Chapter 27

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Safiya's POV

Abdullah left about 2hrs ago and I was just sitting on the couch watching Fosters when I heard the front door open.

"Safiya you home?" Abdullah called out. "Yeah I'm in the living room" I called back.

I heard his footsteps coming towards the living room.

"Safiya, you're my little sister and I want you to be honest with me, okay?" he asked sitting next to me on he couch.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Did you date a guy that wasn't Muslim? Or are you getting close to him or something?" he asked. And that's when I cracked.

I told him everything from the concert to the kiss to the fact that they're here in Columbus.

He listened the whole time nodding his head or comforting me. He didn't comment on anything.

After I did finish talking I looked at him watching him taking all the information in.

Then he made this face that suggested he remembered something. "I knew I recognized him from somewhere!" he said to himself.

"Ahmed and I were helping this guy who was thinking about converting. Laila is the one who too is about him.

I kept thinking I knew this guy from somewhere. But he was in that band One Direction. "Its the guy you said kissed you. What's his name?"


"Yeah, he was really interested in learning about Islam. It's like he knew he would get something good out of it".

I sighed to myself. "The good thing he thinks he'll get out if it is me. But let's just say there's gonna be a change if plans."

Niall's POV

I was back at the hotel room. I was thinking back at the conversation I had with Laila. The way I comforted her. I really did mean everything I said. I always thought I had a connection with her.

But I didn't know what kind.

Now I do.

She was beautiful, and smart, and energetic. She wasn't afraid to stand up for herself yet she still had that part of her that was really shy.

She didn't open up quickly. But when she does she really trusts you with everything.

She'll listen to all your problems and try her best to help you. She knew just the moments where she shouldn't judge you for your mistakes.

Sometimes she makes you laugh by just being her silly self.

I loved every second I spent with her this summer. Its one of the best summers I ever had. and I couldn't imagine spending it any other way.

Now that the summer is about to end and the girls are heading off to college. I can't help thinking what gonna happen after this summer. It's obvious the lads have fallen hard for Ayan and Safiya. But what about Laila and I?

What do we get out of this summer?

I said I knew what kind of connection we had.

And I do.

We have an everlasting friendship.

Whether I just need a laugh it to spill all my problems I know who to go to. I trust her more than I ever trusted anyone in my life.

I think our friends thought we would date at one point. I even thought that. but there are just kinds do relationships you can't mess with. There are those stories where two best friends fall in love and live happily ever after.

This is reality.

And sometimes fairy tales aren't meant to come true.


Sorry for the late update but I had trouble writing niall's POV. I had been planning that for a while now. I couldn't ask my friends for help cause they didn't even know this was coming. Its a surprise to everyone!

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