Chapter 26

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Ayan's POV

For a second I thought I didn't hear my father correctly. "He has to what?" I asked.

"Quit One Direction. I'm not letting my daughter a famous person. you need to remember your deen*. And you can't do that if you have people following taking you picture".

"Excuse me sir-" but I cut him off. "You can't make him quit One Direction. He loves it. All he ever wanted to do in life is what he's doing now. And you can't stop him from that" I protested.

"He needs to start facing the facts. Being a singer is not a good career. He should become doctor. Or lawyer. Anything that is successful without acting like a kufar" he said getting angry.

"Listen, Ayan I wanna marry you but-" I cut him off once again. "No I'm sorry. You were right, I was wrong. I do like you. A lot" I added when i saw

him smiling.

I turned him back to my father. "Yes he's made mistakes in life. More than others. But still mistakes. You can't judge everyone like that.

The guys you suggested for Ladan and Amal. They're great. Academically. But they can be jerks. They think they're better than everyone because they're smart. Zayn decided to follow his dream. What he believed in. He tried so hard that now he is in the biggest band in the whole world. That takes a lot of work.

And maybe he is smart academically" I turned to face him.

" If I didn't make it in the music industry I was going to be an English teacher" he said surprising my whole family.

Being a directioner I already knew this so it wasn't a surprise. But I could see my father look at him in a new way.

"Okay" my mother said. "You can have the wedding any time you want but you cannot move in with each other until Ayan finished college. Deal?"

"Deal" Zayn and I said in unison.

"Isn't the father supposed to answer"? My father asked my mother. "Yes, he says yes" she said laughing at baba's expression.

"What's your favorite season?" Zayn asked randomly. "Winter cause of my birthday."

"How about some time after new Years when you're on break?" He asked.

Seeing my confused expression he went on. "The wedding".

I smiled. "That's perfect".

"Hold up! My wedding is not until April!" Ladan exclaimed.

"So?" I asked

"My little sister is not going to get married before me. That's just embarrassing!" She said.

"Well it looks like you'll be embarrassed" I said laughing. I gave my parents both hugs. I turned around and smiled at Zayn.

I wasn't the only one excited for January.

Harry's POV

We pulled up in front of this building. Getting out of the car I see two guys walking towards us. "Harry this is Ahmed and Abdullah. "I'm guessing they're both helping you?" They both nodded their heads. "Cool, so I gotta go babysit my bothers. they're gonna give you a ride home". "Thanks Mrs. George Wesley" I said smiling.

She laughed as she started walking away. "You're welcome" she said smiling. She walked to her car, started it up. And started driving away.

"Okay, so we're going to tell you about Day of Judgement" Ahmed said starting to walk to the door. "Don't scare him already. Teach him the good stuff. Or else he'll never want to convert" Abdullah said.

I looked closely at Abdullah. Why did he look so familiar?

As we sat down on the carpeted floor we started talking about multiple subjects like how to pray which we have to do five times a day. And also stories about the prophets. I was surprised when I saw they also believed in Jesus and Mary.

And many other similarities.

I still couldn't figure out though who Abdullah reminded me of.

Then I overheard something. "You told Safiya? Did she freak?" Ahmed asked Abdullah.

"No she gave me advice she was pretty chill about it. She must if been in some good mood or something" he answered.

That's it. He must be Safiya's brother!

"Maybe she went through sorta like the same thing. Probably recently too" Ahmed went on.

"Maybe, I never though about that. I'll go ask her" he said getting up.

"You're leaving! Now!" Ahmed said surprised.

"Yeah, thanks for the advice bro" he said as he ran out the door.

Ahmed sighed. "That's the last time I give advice. Let's go. You wanna talk again tomorrow?" he asked.

I nodded my head. The things I leaned today were pretty cool. I was actually starting to like this religion.


Sorry for the late update I got really busy this week. But there will be another update on Sunday where I will have a longer authors note. bye!

~ Laila

Unexpected LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora