Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

The next day I came to the masjid only to be stopped at the door by a man.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked in a thick accent. "I'm meeting a friend her" I answered.

"This isn't a place where you meet up with people. This is a holy building for Muslims" he said as if I didn't know a thing about it. Well yeah I did just learn that yesterday, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I know, I'm meeting a friend her to learn about Islam" I said.

He looked up and down with a look of disgust. He probably thought I was a delinquent here to do nothing but trouble.

"If you don't leave in the next five minutes I will call the cops for trespassing" he said seriously.

I suddenly got really mad. "Excuse me, I came here to learn about a religion. Your religion. But when a white British guy comes here the first thing you think us he wants to get you or something!

This is outrageous!" I said screaming. All the people around us started to look at me.

I saw girls in head scarfs whispering to each other and it made me realize, I'm jot doing this for Safiya anymore. The need to come back here was not so I could be with Safiya. It was because I've made some kind if connection with it. It shows a side if me I haven't seen in a long time. it's hard to explain it but I wanna learn everything there is to learn And I'm not going to let this man get in my way.

I heard a voice call out my name. I turned around and saw Ahmed. "What's going on Sheik Mohamed?" he asked the man in front if me.

"This teenage boy won't leave. Maybe he'll listen to you" he said annoyed. "He's here with me, as long as he promises he's doing it for himself" he said looking me in the eye for the last part.

I knew exactly what he meant and nodded my head. That was the day I found out who I really was.

Authors POV

It was also a very hectic for all 6 of these friends. Laila, Harry, Niall, and Safiya were all very happy for Ayan and Zayn's engagement.

Niall was perfectly fine with being friends with Laila.

Zayn couldn't be any happier, he's found his missing piece.

Ayan loves that Zayn changed for the better.

Safiya may have things wring about Harry.

And Laila can't wait for university.

Who knows what awaits for them in the future?


I'm putting up the epilogue at the same time. unexpected love has come to an end :(

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