Chapter 25

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Harry's POV

This was all a bit confusing. "So men can dress like everyone else except when they pray their shorts have to be past their knees?" I asked to clarify.

"Yeah, see you're already getting it. Okay, I can get a guy at the nearby masjid to show you some more things cause we're technically not supposed to be alone together" she said.

She was about to go on when she suddenly stopped. I looked up. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just... They might mention your... Tattoos" she whispered.

"What's about 'em? I mean yeah I have a lot of them. And yeah I am a bit too young to have this many. But

they all have a meaning behind them" I said. Why was she mentioning this?

"Well, someone muslims can be a but rude when it comes to their religions".

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Nothing, just let me call him up his name is Ahmed.

While she was talking I decided to sit down. All of this was a bit confusing. But their are a lot of similarities between Christianity and Islam. Even Judaism. They all originated around the same so that might explain it.

At first I gotta admit I might have been doing this for Safiya. But that's slowly changing there are a lot of cool things in this religion.

She soon hung up her phone and faced me. "Well he'll give you some tips if we head to the masjid right now. Are you okay with that? Or do you have plans?" She asked.

"The what?" I asked

"Christians have churches and and muslims have masjids"she explained.

I nodded my head. "Sure".

"Great, it's not that far from here. Come on" she said grabbing he stuff and we headed out the door.

Zayn's POV

The whole room suddenly turned silent.

"No, how can you possibly have 2 daughters engaged at the same time! And I'm older by 2 years. An he's an international pop star this has to haram!" Ladan protested.

"Just shut the hell up Ladan! We don't need you complaining about everything! This is my life! Live with it and focus on yours!" Ayan suddenly screamed.

Ladan surprised by the outburst shut her mouth.

"What makes you think you can just come in here and ask for my daughter's hand in marriage. I don't even know you.

And Ayan, I always imagined you with Mohamed. What's wrong with him? He's a good Muslim boy looking for a wife. Ladan and Amal both chose the men I suggested for them" he asked.

"Sir, I know I don't know you. But I really care for your daughter. I will protect her from everything. As I said before if I never met her I would still be partying all night long."

He sighed. But suddenly her mom spoke up.

"Paparazzi" she said simply. I was afraid one of them will bring that up. "There's nothing I can do about paparazzi but I can keep her from the public eye" I said honestly.

"Yes, under one condition" her father said.

"Hold up, anyone bother asking me if I said yes?" Ayan said.

All heads turned to face her. She smiled at me. " a thousand times yes!" I just wanted to go up to her and kiss her like there's no tomorrow. But of course I knew I couldn't do that.

"So the condition?" I asked.

And in his thick accent he responded. "Only if you quit One Direction."


You guys might be thinking. Hey I read this update when did the rest of it come? Well I accidentally updated before I was done so sorry for the mix up.

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