Chapter 17

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Zayn's POV
"So anywhere specific you want to go to?" Ayan asked me as I was entering her car. "Um not really, is there a fair or something around here?" I asked. "The Ohio state fair. But it's not open yet. But cool fact Austin Mahone is performing" she said. "Are you a Mahomie?" I asked. "No but Safiya is. And Laila likes him a bit too" she answered.

"Okay so how about... Yeah I got nothing"I said. She suddenly sat taller and looked towards me.

"Have you ever had Chipotle" she asked. "No, but I heard of it" I answered. "Then I know exactly what we're doing" she said.

After a while we pulled up in front of Chipotle. "So what do you think I should order"I asked. "Chicken bowl". I smiled. "You know me so well" I said.

We had just gotten out order when Ayan turned around and started walking towards the door. "Where are going' I asked. "Somewhere" she answered. "You're not gonna tell me are you?" I asked. "Nope" she said cheerfully.

We entered the car and starting driving. After a while we pulled up in front of this dam. "Welcome to Hoover Dam" she said.

We stepped out of the car and sat at a nearby bench. "So why did you come here" Ayan asked. "I don't know. I just like hanging out with you" I answered truthfully.

"So I can tell you things about Islam" she asked confused. "No. Because I like something about you. You're just so pretty" I said. Did I just say that!

"Um... Thanks" she said blushing.

"Listen do you wanna hang out more? I mean as a date?" I asked. "I would love that. But I can't" she answered. U felt like an idiot right now. "I'm sorry but it's against the religion. You can't date" she said. "No problem. I think it would be better if we were friends"I said lying. I really wanted to be more. "C'mon I gotta go home" she said. "I'll drive you back to the hotel". So we walked back to her car

Harry's POV
I was going to go take a nap cause I had nothing better to do with my life. I mean why was I even here. The girl i came here for wont even talk to me. I should have just gone home like Liam. I miss my family so much. Maybe I should have gone home.

I got up off the couch when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door only to see... Safiya?

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I sorta owe you an apology" she said. "What? If anyone owes someone an apology it's me. I'm so sorry" I said confused.

"No, you didn't know. I should have stayed and explained why you couldn't kiss me even though I didn't have a boyfriend. I couldn't kiss you because if my religion. One you're not Muslim and two we're not married" she explained.

"Um... I already found out it was about your religion" I said. "Really? How?" She asked. "Uh... Zayn told me" I said which wasn't totally a lie. I mean Zayn did tell me. But he found out through Ayan. If she found out not only will I be dead but Ayan will be too.

"Really? How did he find out?" She asked curiously. "I don't know he just told me" I answered.

"So what made you forgive me. Whats with the random change of heart. How did you find out I was here anyway?" I asked. "Why don't I just show you" she said getting up and opening the door. On the other side was Niall and Laila.

"Laila asked me if I was ever going to forgive you and that just made me realize that it wasn't your fault. So we called up Niall and here we are" she said.

"You did all of this just to apologize" I asked. "You came to Columbus just for me" she pointed out. "Have you guys made up because I'm starving" Niall interrupted. "Yeah you and Laila go ahead to the car we'll catch up" I said.

After they left I turned to face Safiya. "So you forgive me" I asked. "Only if you forgive me" she said. I can't believe this is happening. "C'mon Laila happens to love food too" Safiya said smiling. So we started walking out of the hotel. I love the fact that we're talking but I can't help but want to be more than friends.

So cool chapter right? Lots of romance blooming! If you want more than you better comment and vote. Just click the button. You know you want to ;)

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