Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

Harry, Zayn, and I were all sitting around when we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Zayn said getting up. When he opened it Ayan walked in. "Where's Laila?" I asked. "Um obviously not here yet" she said looking around. 'But she'll come" she said assuring me.

"So what are we watching" she asked sitting in the love seat next to Zayn. Harry was sitting in the sofa and I was on the floor laying my head against the sofa"I have no idea Harry picked it out" Zayn answered looking over at Harry.

He dramatically pulled out 2 CDs. "the first three Harry Potter movies. Zayn, Ayan, and I groaned. "I am not watching this movie" Ayan protested. "Wait there's another TV where my bed is... You wanna watch pitch perfect" Zayn asked Ayan. "Sure, who doesn't love Pitch Perfect" Ayan replied getting up. "You wanna join?" Zayn asked turning around. "Nah, I'll just wait for Laila" I replied. "Good luck" Zayn said looking at Harry. He looked so excited to start the movie. Right when Zayn and Ayan were staring their movie there was a knock on the door.

I opened it and saw Laila and Safiya and I let them them in. Laila eyes suddenly widened. "Is that Harry Potter?" She asked sitting next to Harry on the sofa. "Finally someone who actually thinks Harry Potter is amazing" Harry exclaimed putting his arms up in victory. "Actually I've only ever read the books" she said. "How dare you call yourself a fan! Well thanks to me you will see the movies" he said putting the first one in.

"Where's Ayan and Zayn?" Safiya asked. ""There watching Pitch Perfect in his room you can join them" I answered.

When Safiya entered the room I turned so face Harry and Laila. "So I'm going to get some snacks at a nearby store you guys want anything?" I asked. "Twizzlers and sour patches please" Laila said still looking at the screen. "Hershey's and potato chips" Harry said also looking at the screen. "Okay" I said and I grabbed the keys to the car we rented for our stay here.

Just after a few minutes of driving I pulled up in front if the grocery store. I walked in and grabbed a cart. I walked to the snacks isle. I grabbed a few bags of potato chips and Cheetos and the Hershey's, sour patches, and twizzlers for Laila and Harry. I also grabbed a liter of Mountain Dew.

After I payed for everything and I came back to hotel room. I threw all the junk food on the table in front of Harry and Laila who were still staring at the TV screen. Why was this bothering me so much? Could I be jealous? Is that what it was? I left them to go inside Zayn's room to watch Pitch Perfect. I've already seen this movie by its better then nothing.

When the movie finished we all went back to where Harry and Laila were. There movie had finished too. Laila was eating the sour patches and Harry was eating some potato chips. "No I think it was a good idea for them to leave Harry at the Dursley's . That's the reason why he doesn't act stuck up like Draco" Laila argued. "But they could have easily killed Voldemort many books before if he grew up around wizards. He would have known things he didn't learn till much after" Harry pointed out.

"You guys do realize you're arguing over a fictional character who is from a fictional world, right" Safiya asked. "It's okay Harry, she'll never understand" Laila said shaking her head. We then all erupted in laughter.

"You know I actually met J.K. Rowling before" Harry said. "You're kidding" Laila exclaimed. "No I seriously did. U ever got her to sign all of my Harry Potter books" he said.

"Okay, okay, enough about Harry Potter" pleaded Ayan. "Fine" Harry grumbled.

Harry's POV

After the girls left Niall turned to face me. "What was that about!" He suddenly exclaimed. "Woah Niall calm down. What happen" Zayn asked alarmed. "Who were you talking to practically the whole time?" Niall asked. "Um... Laila" I answered. And then it hit me. "C'mon Niall. Laila was the only one out all three of those girls I wasn't close too. The fact that we had something in common is pretty cool" I said. "Wait you have a crush on her don't you" Zayn asked.

He sighed. "I honestly don't know" he said running his hand through his hair." Well I'm going to bed. See you guys in the morning" Niall said stepping out of the room. "Yeah me too" Zayn said yawning.

I went and sat down on the couch.i then got a text.

From: Ayan

Just realized you didn't explain how you got Safiya to forgive you

To: Ayan

Oh she apologized to me

From: Ayan


To: Ayan

She came down here with Laila and Niall and apologize for not explaining for why she reacted like that. Then we all hung out after that.

From: Ayan

So do you like her?

Do I? I mean I've never done all this just for a girl

To: Ayan

Yeah I think I do

From: Ayan

Okay just wondering

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ooh Harry likes Safiya! Wonder how that's going to end. You guys probably hate me right now 😇

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