A Confession..

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So recently, I've been thinking of what kind of person am I, really. These past days I've been frantically searching of what place I certainly and really belonged to, and it was terribly harsh. I have already mentioned in the Introduction part about having girl crushes on anime characters, and of course, I knew it was normal.

It really was.

But this time, I let myself wander too loose for me to catch up on. Things got way out of hand and...

I became a bisexual.

I was thoroughly embarrassed to say this in front of my readers, especially when.. you know.. judgemental people may come in. But I want to be honest with my readers, because I had them there for me when I write these shitty-ass one-shots of their favorite anime characters. And I was really grateful for it.

It's okay if you guys unfollow me or such just because I'm a bi. I feel disgraceful of myself too, by having such complications in life.

It was hard to think about it, really. But if you accept me for who I'am then, then I offer you my seemingly endless fountains of gratitude. Now, I didn't write this for attention, I wrote this because, like I have previously stated, I want to be honest to my readers.

So... I know it's awkward, having to know the real me but, whatever your decision is, I accept it. Because my friends in real life accepted me, and I was grateful. I was, really.


"Even though your perspective of me has changed, I still thank you for reading my book."

This is Kanon, signing out.

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