Plans of a broken heart

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Hey so heads up this story is sorta kind of coming to a close...Not right now! But I have at least 5 maybe more chapters. Anyway enjoy!

Once again Flameclaw and Quietkit and her later names belong to LongtailLover26 so check that profile out.

Disclaimer: I do not own warriors.

Sandstorm's P.O.V

I stare at Blackstar blankly as he rants about how stupid it was to send my offspring after Cinderpelt. I mentally roll my eyes as all the clans eyes were on us. I was about to cut in when he says words that I thought I would never hear. He says it with so much pain it kills off my only thing I held on to. He was the only thing I had even if I yearn for Firestar he has been there for me. He dealt with my scheme to kill him while he slept, my heartbreak, and my rage. He looks me in the eyes and my ears flattens as the words spill from his mouth.

"Sanstorm I can't love you anymore" He says, faintly. "I tried to get past all of this, the lies of love for me, lies of happiness, lies you filled our girls head with, and even the lies you tell as you clear are trying to kill me. I am done." He says, firmly. His eyes hold anger, rage, pity, sadness and a glimmer of love. He straightens his back and wraps his tail around his front paws, making him look handsome for once.

"B-Blackstar please I can-" He cuts me off with a snarl. His pelt bristles, ears flattens, eyes narrowing and darkening. He pins me to the ground, his chest heaves in anger.

"Change? Is that what you were going to say? Sanstorm I gave you chances! You tried to kill me and I still stuck beside you! I wasted my time and effort on a worthless she-cat that never loved me! So no you can't change at least not here" He sneers. My eyes widens at his last words.

"W-What are you saying?" I ask, trembling. He bares his teeth and his tail points to the entrance of the camp. I give a soft whimper.

"You are hereby banished from Shadowclan! You will not come back unless you get your stuff together!" He yells. The clan looks at me in pity. He steps off me and sits down, waiting. My daughter's sit behind him with indifference on their faces. I stand, tears in my eyes, I back up before racing out of camp. I race through all the leaves and dodge between trees. I end up at the old Thunderclan camp. I walk to the leader den and softly cry. I remember Firestar smiling at me, him entwine our tails, and his eyes filled with love. 'Was it all a facade? Did he only use me to hide his pain of losing Cinderpelt?' I wonder. My sadness slowly turns to a burning rage. 'He used me! I will get him back! Kukuku he will not know what hit him' I think. I then plan my revenge.

Firestar's P.O.V

Cinderpelt and I walk back to the clan after we wake up. She would blush anytime she would look at me. I chuckle and continue to walk. When we enter we laugh at a annoyed Thornclaw. Rosekit has taken a likening to him so every chance she could got she was around him. Rosekit was currently brushing up on him and batting at his ears. He huffs and takes a deep breath. He then gives a soft fond smile.

"When I get older you'll be my mate!" Rosekit suddenly squeaks. Thornclaw chokes on his spit in shock. Rosekit purrs and licks his nose. She squeals when she is pick up by her father, Flameclaw. Flameclaw gives a glare at Thornclaw before walking away. Thornclaw sighs and shakes his head.

"He acts like I said yes" He mutters. Cinderpelt walks over and lays beside her brother.

"Aww, my big brother has a crush on little Rosekit" She purrs. Thornclaw rolls his eyes, grumbling.

"Keep saying that and Flameclaw will come and claw my ears off" He grumbles. Cinderpelt laughs and watches as Rosekit streaks back out the nursery. She goes between Thornclaw's laid out front paws, laying down. Flameclaw comes out, eye twitching as he sees where she has went off to. Thornclaw gets a nervous look as Flameclaw looks at him.

"I'd appreciate it if you hand over my hard-headed kit" He growls. Rosekit whines she presses to Thornclaw. Thornclaw tries to get her out but smiles softly at her when she refuses. He licks her head and looks back at Flameclaw.

"Ehehe sorry but she won't come" He says, nervously. Flameclaw was about to say something when Quietkit appears by his leg. Her amber eyes wide with curiosity. She sees her sister and tilts her head.

"Rosekit? What are you doing?" She asks, softly. Flameclaw sits and glares at the male that her daughter has hidden under. Rosekit looks out and gives a smile.

"I'm with my mate!" She squeaks. Thornclaw chokes on his spit once again. Flameclaw glares harder, amber eyes flickering.

"Rosekit I never said I'll be your mate" Thornclaw says, he looks at her and regrets what he says. Rosekit gives him a teary-eye look. She slips out from under him and pads quickly to her father. Flameclaw gives a smothering glare at Thornclaw before picking up his kit and walks away, Quietkit scurrying after him. Cinderpelt looks at her brother.

"Your a horrible mate" She says, jockingly. Thornclaw gives a sighs and stands, walking to the nursery. 'He's going to make her happy?' I wonder. Cinderpelt smiles at me she purrs softly.

"He really does have a crush on her" She says, softly. I laugh and lay down with her. "We'll always be together right?" Cinderpelt asks. I blink my eyes and look at her purring.

"Yes we will"
I wake up to a low hiss. My fur rises as I see Sandstorm over Cinderpelt, claws at her throat. She looks at me, smiling darkly, and starts to speak.

"Firestar you have two options: Tell her you love me and leave with me or you can say you don't and I kill her" Sandstorm says. Cinderpelt stirs and her eyes wide. She looks at me with fear. I freeze 'what do I do?'

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