Part eleven

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Dean P.O.V.

Dan's light snores were somehow able to slowly send me to sleep after what felt like years of my mind going round and round. I groggily opened one eye and peeked at the bedside digital clock which stated 3:01am in bright green letters, telling me I had spent 5 hours staring at the bars supporting the bunk above and thinking of my new friend that I had met a week ago.

Right before I was about to drop off, I heard a creak on the landing and padded footsteps coming towards our room. I assumed it was my sister since she had done it a few times before. The door squeaked open and soon enough there was a small silhouette figure by my bed.


"What's wrong, Scar?"

"I can't sleep and I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"The hospital," she whimpered. It broke my heart to know she had been in her room crying alone and I lifted the covers.

"Come in then," she climbed in I put my arm her shoulders and she firmly hugged a small toy teddy close to her.

"What's going to happen to me?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. Are you coming with me?"

"Yes, and so is Dan and Mum."

"I don't like hospitals."

"Neither do I, but they're going to look after you there."

"What's wrong with me?"

"I don't know, it's why we have to go."

"I don't want to talk about hospitals anymore," she squirmed further into my side and I stayed quiet for a moment to make sure Dan was still sleeping so he didn't hear me.

"Scarlett, what would you say if I said I loved another boy?"

"Can boys love other boys?"

"Yes they can, and girls can love girls and there's nothing wrong with that."

"Oh. Is it Jack?" I felt myself blush and smile at the mention of him and glad she couldn't see me because of the darkness.

"Yeah, it is."

"Does he make you happy?"

"He does, yeah."

"Then that's okay."

* * *

"Dan! Wake up! We've got to go to the hospital!" I shook him slightly and after receiving a grunt for a response I assumed he was going to get up and walked over to the wardrobe we shared, pulling on a shirt that reminded me of Jack's that he wore on Saturday and pair of jeans and comfy zip up hoodie to keep me warm. From my past experiences of hospitals I had learnt they weren't the warmest of places, so you had to rely on yourself.

"Dean, can you do my hair?" I heard my sister's small voice and looked around to see she had poked her head through the door, her hair looking like she had been dragged through a bush backwards.

"Are you dressed yet?"


"Get dressed and I'll be in your room in the second. Dan, get up!" It was the same morning rush routine like every weekday, except it was a few hours later than usual and we were all leaving at the same time and all going to the same place. I had gotten used to getting everyone up and being in charge, it was one of my roles that I insisted I kept after my mother got better, after years of practice, it would feel too weird to not do it.

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