Act 5.5: Super Max

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[Consider this a little Bonus for you amazing people, OMG the more I write this the more I ship them! So next chapter is something different, you'll see. See you there!]

Max sat down next to the sleeping Victoria, a satisfied smile on her face. Her plan is to submit the picture of Vic for the contest, though without telling the girl in question. She set the photo in her bag, and then lay next to her girlfriend. The two snuggled close, today had been rough but it would not break them. The girls feel strongly for eachother. Max turns on her side and gives Vic a peck on the cheek before passing out beside her.

Victoria woke up, had Max been up when she was sleeping? Her curiousity was piqued so she silently rose, taking the brunettes arms off of her. Victoria did a little snooping and found a picture in Max's bag, Victoria could strangle Max. Though it did catch Victoria in a new light, she seemed innocent. Perhaps it's not so bad, Vic thought, Max had pretty much been a new leaf for her. The blonde girl sighs, deciding to keep the photo. She placed it back in the bag, taking her camera off of her desk. She nudged the girl awake. "Morning beautiful, time to get up." Max stretches and wraps her arms around Victoria. "Come on hippie, stop being lazy."

Max gave her a silly face with her tongue sticking out, and Victoria took advantage of this. Max snapped out of it when she felt the flash. "H-hey Victoria, I look awful, no fair!" Max got up and grabbed for the camera but Victoria pulled it away at the last moment. After a minute of Max reaching and Vic pulling away they ended very close to eachother. "Trust me Caulfield you won't get it from me."

Victoria held the precious piece of equipment above her head, the shorter girl would have to think her way out of this one. "Well Vic I suppose you think you've won but I have a special attack left. Max stood her on her tiptoes, but instead of reaching for the camera she leaned in, planting her lips against her girlfriends. Vic drops the camera on the bed and embraces Max, the two of them battling with their tongues. It takes a while for the separation for air to happen. Victoria stands there admiring Maxs doe like features. Her small nose, big eyes, and adorable freckles. Max studies Vics beautiful features, her striking eyes, her round cheeks, luscious lips. Max bites her lips, "See I told you, that's what you get for messing with me." Max says teasingly. Victoria nods, "Max I don't know if I'm a everyday hero, I rather be your sidekick, super Max." The girls sit on the bed, talking about all their ideas for the week.

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