Act 9: It's about time

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(Wow guys 10 chapters of Chasefield! I am so glad you have been able to read this and I appreciate your support through this series. Though here comes the time to end this little series. This episode will hopefully sum up everything you would ever want to know. Don't feel to bad, I'm working on starting a new story, it's hopefully going to be great, fingers crossed. So without further ado here is your finale!)

-The Next Morning-

Victoria wakes up to the playing of "Mountains" on Max's phone. Apparently the party had tired the brunette out. She sleep through the entire song, Vic smiles, stroking Max's hair, her fingers running through the locks of brown. The song soon finishes with strumming of the guitar. With that Vitoria sits up, 'today is going to be a good day, I can tell.' Max thinks with confidence, thats because she has a plan. She gets a quick shower before Max wakes up. When she returns the time traveler has woken up, "I was starting to worry Vic, that I wouldn't get my morning hug that is." Vic sighs happily at how cute Max is in the morning with her hair messed up and in her jammies. When Max walks up to her girlfriend with open arms she is pulled into a very tight hug. "I would never cheat you out of a hug, so I have a romantic day planned for us mad Max." Max chuckles, 'I hope she doesn't go overboard and spend a bunch, I'd feel bad. "So Max where would you like to eat breakfast?" Max shrugs before thinking for a moment.

"I know it's old fashioned but how about the diner?" Max looks at the blonde with an expect an expecting smile. Victoria nods, "well if that is where you want to go then I guess that is where we are going." Vic acts a little dissapointed though she has set up a surprise for Max at Two Whales anticipating her restaurant selection. "Well we don't have to go there if you don't want to." Vic shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "No if that is where YOU want to go we have to don't we? I can't let you down princess." Victoria says very sarcastically though not genuinely, Max begins to look upset. "Victoria are you mad at me?" Vic gives her a scowl, "does it look like I'm mad at you? You know what don't answer that." Victoria walks out to her car to wait for Max to shower. She was a total bitch to Max but it's all apart of her dorky plan to blow Max away.

Max gets in, her face contorted into a scowl similar to Victoria's. 'Fuck she's beautiful when she's mad too. There I no way I could get over her, I want to make her happpy so badly.' The blonde thinks while looking at Max for a moment, then she returns her eyes to the road. As they get into town Victoria tries to make conversation. "Maxine, I'm sorry about earlier. I'm just stressed out about this weekend, we're going to be in LA together. There is no one I'd rather go with, not even Mr. Jefferson, he is my mentor but Max you are the love of my life. Max's anger dissapears, the brunette is now staring at her lover. "Y-yeah, me too, I love you Vic." After that the two get out and walk into the diner holding hands. Vic walks in after Max and beams, there are all of Max's friends and everyone close to her. And in the middle of them sits Chloe at the bar stool. When Max walkks into the ring of people Chloe stands and turns to Max. "Max can I ask you something?" Max shrugs feeling nervous in front of all these people. "Uhm, sure?" Chloe gives her smug grin to her best friend, "turn around?"

Max furrows her brow, "come on hippie just humor me!" Max rolls her eyes, but does it. "V-vic? Why are you on your knees?" Max looks around at everyone's faces trying to grasp at a hint, she looks back at Chloe who is still grinning. Then Max looks back at Vic who is now holding a small black box in her hand. "Wait this isn't..." Max finds herself speechless, holding her hands to her mouth in shock. "Max Caulfield will you marry me?" Max falls to her kness, forgetting the ring, forgetting the others. She hugs Vicoria suddenly, "of course you clever cutie. I fucking love you always will." Victoria recovers from the initial shock of the sudden action. "Good, hey everbody I have the best fiance ever." The two hug and Max lets Vic slip the finger onto her finger.

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