Act 7: Aftermath

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[Alright back to my normal type of Fic. also writers block is a thing, if you have ideas comment them below. Thank you everyone, this is for you.]

Chloe hasn't talked to Max or Victoria since her breakdown outside of Two Whales. And what makes it worse is that it has been three days and Max doesn't know what happened that night. Victoria had promised Chloe not to tell Max, not expecting her to ignore all the texts sent by the blonde and brunette couple. Vic and Max are hanging out after class, "Vic what happened with you and Che?" Vic decides to lie, to keep her promise. And then she is given the doe face, Victoria almost melts blushing and covering her face. "Alright I'll be honest with you Max, just because you're so damn gorgeous. Chloe had a meltdown as we left Two Whales, and told me that she's jealous of us. I didn't really know what to say, I was shocked, and she was crying. Afterward She took me to my dorm and asked me to keep it quiet." Vic frowns slightly, "I didn't expect her avoiding us though."

Confusion takes hold of Max's features, then slowly her face turns into one of recognition. "I'm sorry Vic, I knew about her crush on me, I try to ignore it." Victoria almost seems jealous at this realization, "playing hard to get for her Caulfield? Dating me to make her jealous?" The questions are posed as jokes, jokes with an underlying hint at seriousness. Max emphatically shakes her head, "Victoria no, what we have is real. I ignore Chloe's feelings because one she's my best friend and two because I don't feel that way for her." Victoria believes Max, though this whole thing has set her into a bit of a crappy mood. Vic decides to push Max, "Really Max? Is that how you feel, after I started dating you I don't have friends. It's you and me Max so I want you to be honest with me." Vic holds onto Max's shoulders, "Vic I love you, I did 'like' Chloe once, and that was in the seventh grade. And honestly if you search me for secrets you're in for a bore." This makes the girls laugh a little, somewhat forgetting what had happened with the blue-haired girl. "Okay Caulfield, sorry for the interrogation. I believed you before, but I just don't want secrets between us." The girls nod in agreement to that, heads drifting closer until lips meet in a tender, almost familiar, yet still sweet embrace.

After the discussion the girls parted to do homework, Max still hasn't turned in an entry for the "everyday heroes" contest. Max blames Vic, for confiscating her photo the other day. The pool party is tomorrow and her entry is due tonight, if she decides to do so. Speaking of the vortex club party, now that Max is dating one of the leaders is she obligated to go? No doubt Victoria would let her in in a heartbeat and wheedle everyone else into going along with it, the real question is if Max wants to be in the vortex club or not. Normally no would be the default answer, though Max has a new perspective from getting to know Victoria. Dana is cool, Hayden is cool when he isn't high, seriously a lot of people in the club are cool, nice even. Though Nathan Presscott seems even a threat, Courtney and Taylor being them shallow selves Max can deal with. Nathan pulling a gun on Chloe and beating Warren, no, no one hurts Max's friends without being put on her shit list.

Victoria: So the Vortex Party is tomorrow, wanna go? Vip treatment!

Max: I don't know Vic, last time things didn't go well, also I'm seriously scared of Nathan, whether you think he's dangerous or not.

Vic: Nathan is fine, but if you're scared of him I'll watch out for him. Max come on, it will be fun, I can't believe I'm saying this shit but YOLO.

Max: :/ Yolo? Are you twelve?

Vic: Alright Max Caulfield, for making fun you have to come, no choice. And don't worry, I'll protect you, princess.

Max: Fine I'll come, and thank you Victoria, I'm just scared. You know last time it didn't end good.

Vic: Che thinks you should go and says hi.

Max suddenly blushed, what? They are hanging out after what happened? Those two seem to be getting along well, all things considered. It suddenly dawns on Max, Victoria is helping Chloe with her feelings, talking to her. Trying to salvage the wreckage of Max and Chloe's friendship. Max sighs, Vic, why are you so damn perfect? Suddenly a text from Che.

Chloe: Max, Victoria and I talked. We talked pasts, presents, lot of shot. Anyway, mainly we talked about you, dude she is head-over-heels. You are all she wants to talk about. And I might have misjudged her, she is really cool, like hella.

Max: Thanks Che, it's nice to know we are still friends.

Chloe: Of course Max, you promised to never leave me again, I'm sticking you to it. Max do you know how lucky you are? She sacrificed her friends, popularity, and free time, even sat here listening to all my bill shit. Listen I'm no expert so don't quote me, but I think that's love.

And that text really gets Max thinking, yes, her feelings are more than attraction now. Even in their conversations there is a passion and fire. "Damn Che, you're right. I'm in love."

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