Act 6: Time to pay the Price

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[Alright I warned you this would be different! This chapter is from Chloes perspective and does not include Max very much. This is a Chloe Vic bonding session, though will the girls get along without Max there?]

Here I sit, kind of pissed and bored, at the same time. I'm bored because my best friend is probably all over her girlfriend, and that's what pisses me off. I thought what Max and I was special, and here comes this bitch out of no where. And now I'm in a permanent friend-zone, how is any of this fair? Well it's not so when I see a text from Victoria I scowl. I'm obviously jealous but I'm also mad at her in general. She's not a bad person, in fact I would do anything to find something wrong about her. Like anything, Max has been my biggest crush for years, even before she left. And now I end up as the third wheel.

I finally check the text, yes from Victoria, though the subject catches me off guard.

Victoria: Hi Chloe, so Max said she is busy. I have nothing better to do so want to hang out?

I feel disgusted all of a sudden, this jealousy thing felt awful. I mean Max is happy so I should be happy for her right? Fuck, well I'm not, guess I was just born selfish. Nothing's going better to do, that seemed like a typical Vic phrase. "Thank you Victoria, we get it you're better than everyone else." I grit my teeth, well this could actually be the perfect opportunity to find the flaw in the blonde girl. So I decide to reply, I'll play nice, though I won't like it.

Chloe: Sure thing Victoria, how about I pick you up?

I don't wait for a response, I get off my mopey ass and go downstairs. Step-douche is playing army in the garage and Joyce is still at work, perfect time for me to slip outside. Like the ninja I am, I go unnoticed and roll away in the junk truck.

Vic: It's fine, I can pick you up

I decide to not respond, until I get there, which doesn't take all that long after all. The whole time I'm thinking, brooding, shit I Am so stressed with this shit. I finally pull up to the school, I step out and lean against the truck. I light a cigarette that was in my pocket, last one damn I'll need another pack. I light up and take a long drag, fuck, I have needed this I feel less stressed out. Hell I'm addicted sure but it's no problem for me, I text Vic that I'm here and wait.

I finish the cig and stomp it out as Victoria walks up. "Hey Chloe, it's good to see you." I'm not sure if that was sincere so I decide to accept the sentiment. I nod, hop in the truck and close the door behind me. Victoria scowls a little, "is this yours? It's a piece of shit." I roll my eyes, sticking the keys in the ignition. "Yes but it's my piece of shit, and your ride for the night." I give her my shit eater grin and we commence to stare at eachother intensely. "So where to Vic?" She sighs, like I'm testing her patience.

"I'm fairly hungry, how about lunch? Also I can buy so go wherever you like, price is no bother." I don't really care for fancy crap so I decide that Joyce's cooking is what I really need right now, though a lecture will definently follow. "I have a place in mind, so don't worry, the food is awesome." I drive and shut up, we talk a bit, but there is definently tension there. Without Max we have no relatable topics, she's rich, I'm poor as fuck, she's popular, I'm a rebel, she is talented and disiplined, I'm worthless and forgotten. After a while Victoria studies my face, "what's wrong Chloe? Does it bother you that Max and I are together?" Shit, Victoria even reads people perfectly, now what do I say? I push away the urge to vent to her, to tell her everything. I instead bottle up my emotions, signature Che. "Fine, just had a rough day, you know?" Victoria seems satisfied with the answer, "well you don't have to bullshit me but whatever."

When we reached the diner Vics face forms a scowl of distaste. "A diner? I told you we can go to an actually nice place, I pay." I roll my eyes and land a playful punch on her shoulder, just trying to forget about Max, having some fun. "Come on Chase, the food is awesome here, plus I think I can get us a discount." I give Vic a grin and sling my arm around her shoulder, despite her squirming I don't let go as we walk into the diner. I greet the familiar faces and escort the blonde to my booth. Joyce soon comes out to greet and take orders. "Hello Chloe, who is this? Friend of yours?" I am about to respond but Chase beats me to the punch, "Hello ma'am, I'm Victoria Chase, Max's girlfriend." Jesus she really is straight forward, "Well nice to meet you, Victoria. So Chloe here you areas pecking free food again?"

"Come on mom, she offered to pay." Vic nodded, understanding now. "Yes, Joyce is it? It really is no problem, Chloe is a friend." Joyce sighs, relenting but somehow disappointed at me for mooching off of someone else. After Joyce took our orders she went behind the counter, yelling the orders at the cook, better than at me.

Victoria and I don't do a whole lot of talking, is this what friendship is supposed to feel like? It never felt this way with Max, though Max is different. I try to avoid conversation and eye contact, Victoria notices and still presses me. Damn, she bugs me, so after we are done and she has paid I get up and wave goodbye to Joyce, not waiting for blondie to catch up. As I'm walking through the parking lot I stop to gaze at the setting sun, it is all a golden blur. No, my eyes are blurring, I'm crying? This is not good, I can't be seen like this in public. I hear Victoria call for me, I just keep walking. Though then I feel my hand grabbed and pulled, forcing me to face Victoria. " Chloe are you crying, tell me what's wrong. You've been acting strange all day, are you concerned for Max? Chloe I like her a lot and I promise I will treat her well."

My tears won't stop now, "No, Victoria you don't understand. I have been lonely for so long, my father left me, Max left me, Rachel left me. I want to be happy for you both, but I love Max, with all of my fucking heart. Before you met her, I fell in love." I fall to my knees holding my face, everything rushing out of me, I can't stop all of these emotions anymore. Bottling it up just hurts me more, tearing me up more on the inside. "Chloe, I understand, trust me on that, you don't know much about me but you will. I know the feeling, stess, pressure to be someone, something ideal, and all it gets you is loneliness." I feel her help me up and wipe one of my tears with her finger. She helps me into the truck, we sit there, we start to talk, and eventually we come to understand eachother. I need friends, who won't leave me. She promised not to leave me, and I would do my best to let them be together.

And today, I am happy for them. Those two similar souls, who weathered the storm of life and love. They seem so perfect together, I found love eventually, but that's enough about me. I don't know if Max and I would ever have worked out, there's no way to be sure. But to be honest, I ship us.

-Chloe Price

[A little tribute to Pricefield, because that is my favorite of the ships(sorry chasefield!), so let me know if you liked it and would look forward to a Pricefield fic, alt universe or anything in between!]

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