Like Every Other Day

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   Clary woke on the hard kitchen floor. She sat up groggily and immediately regretted that decision as pain shot through her side and flashes of this morning played in her head. She checked the time. 6:15. It was almost time for school.
   Clary picked herself up off the floor and stumbled to her bedroom to get dressed. She put on and oversize sweatshirt and some jeans and headed for the bathroom. She studied her reflection in the mirror, dark circles under her eyes, a couple bruises here and there. She covered them with concealer, she attempted to brush through her crazy hair, brushed her teeth, and headed for the door.
   She sat on her front step waiting for Simon, her best friend, to drive up. He always drove her to school and if Clary were to be honest it was a very special part of the day for her. She loved simon, like a brother of course, and being near him made her happy, which is something that's not easy so do.
  Simon pulled up and honked the horn. Clary was obviously daydreaming again, like always, and if they didn't hurry they'd be late. Clary ran down the small hill to his car and got into the passenger seat.
   "You there?" Simon teased waving a hand in front of Clary face.
  Clary shoved it back at him "oh, shut up and drive"
   Then they were on their way to school.

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