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Jace felt something tickle his nose. He raised a hand to itch it but it came back. He opened his eyes to see a blanket of red hair covering his chest. Clary's top half was laying on Jace's wrapped only in a sheet from the previous night. He smiled to himself as he remembered. He looked down again to see two bright green eyes blinking at him.
"Goodmorning beautiful"
Clary stretched out "Goodmorning" she smiled from ear to ear and leaned up to kiss him.
Jace ran his fingers through Clary's hair "I have to leave today" he whispered
"Ik, but you're here now."
Jace kissed the top of her head "gets some clothes on and I'll go make breakfast."
Clary grunted and sat up holding the sheet to her body she rubbed her eyes with the other hand. Jace handed her the same shirt she was supposed to sleep in last night and the jeans she'd worn over. Then he walked to the kitchen to make waffles.
Clary could smell whatever Jace was cooking already and it made her stomach growl. She didn't usually eat at home but she was starving so she too left to meet Jace in the kitchen. She snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist she felt his muscles contract then relax. And she smiled. She let go and found a stool at the island counter.
Jace placed two waffles in front of her. "Do you usually eat more than that?"
"No I don't usually eat breakfast"
"Oh well you're going to be eating mine i make the best waffles around."
Clary laughed. "Bisquick and a waffle maker. How hard can that be?"
"Oh shut up" he leaned over and kissed her nose "just eat it will you?"
"Okay okay" she took a bite and melted. First off she hadn't eaten in like a week also these were really good. "Oh my god Jace these are sooo good"
He laughed. "I told you they were!"
Clary pretending to bow down "all hail the mighty Jace"
He laughed again "hey, I could get used to that"
By the end of breakfast they both had stitches in their sides from laughing. Clary had never felt so alive. That is until Jace's father came down.
"Son, you ready?
"Oh right. Yeah I'll go grab my stuff"
Clary followed him into his room where he pulled a suitcase from his closet. Clary could feel her panick rising.
"I'll only be gone three days. I have my cell we can text and talk all you want." He kissed her forehead, her nose, and her lips "I love you. You'll be okay" then he turned away and got in the car as it sped away.
"I love you too" her voice broke and she fell down crying. She clutched her knees to her chest.

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