This is the end

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Jace had one day in New York and begged his parents to let him come home. He was constantly worrying about Clary and was home sick for her. She was his home now and he needed to get back to her.
His parents agreed to send him back on his own. He'd been so happy when he heard that but he didn't tell Clary. He wanted to surprise her.
He pulled up in front of her house and ran to the door he knocked and when there was no answer he felt something was wrong. He broke down the door calling out for her
"CLARY!?" He screamed. He knew something was wrong.
He ran upstairs into her bedroom he saw her desk drawer open and blades strewn across the top. His heart started racing. As he ran into the bathroom. His legs collapsed under him when he saw her.
It was Clary. She was naked in a bathtub filled with transparent reddish liquid. He knew this was blood but what was it coming from? What had Valentine done?
He shakily pulled out his phone and called 911
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My girlfriend is bleeding alot! I-i just came home and found her in her bathtub! He rambled off the address and hung up the phone.
He rushed over to the bathtub and picked her up and laid her on a towel on the floor. He didn't know cpr he had no idea of what to do. He placed two fingers on her neck trying to get a pulse
"How the fuck do I even do this!" He called out. No one could hear him but he had to scream or he'd cry. "God Clary. It's all my fault. I left you alone and now... it's all my fault" he started to rock back and forth with Clary half in his lap. He had wrapped a towel around her wrist and held it as tight as he could. "WHY!?" He screamed and his voice broke. His voice was raw and aching from holding back tears and screaming "GODDAMMIT! WHAT DID SHE DO!? SHE DIDN'T FUCKING DESERVE THIS!" "Clary please come back. I love you Clary. Ill do anything. Come back to me."

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