Suprise Guest

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   Clary stumbled through her front door knowing her dad wouldn't be home for a few hours she cleaned up a bit, made a sandwich and stuck it in the fridge, then put on sweats and a tank top and sat on the couch in front of the tv. She loved this part of the day when she could where her comfy clothes without being afraid someone would see her bruises and cuts and burns and scars. It was peaceful and relaxing, until her dad got home that is.
   Clary scrambled to get up from the couch as her father came to sit in his chair. She grabbed the sandwich she had made earlier and a beer from the fridge and brought them to her dad. He grabbed the beer from her hands and took the plate with the sandwich on it and shoved her backwards
   "Get upstairs I don't want to look at your ugly face for the rest of the day"
   She ran upstairs and closed the door then collapsed on her bed. This was where her peace vanished. She felt a tear escape down her cheek and brushed it away. Why is life like this. It's all wrong. This isn't how it's supposed to be" she thought to herself. "There must be something wrong with me. I'm a horrible person who deserves to have bad things happen to. I deserve pain and sadness. I'm worthless." These thoughts ran through her head constantly and when they got as bad as they were instead of screaming she let herself bleed. And with the blood that left her body so did all the bad thoughts. She grabbed a blade from her desk drawer and ran to the bathroom locking the door behind her, she dragged the blade across her wrist and watched as the little red bubbles formed a line against her skin. She made another and another until she felt some of that bottled up hatred was gone. She took a deep breath and jumped when the doorbell rang
"Clary dear would you get the door please!" Her father called from downstairs. He always talked this way when he was afraid someone could hear him.
"Shit" she thought "Shit. Shit. Shit"
"Coming dad!" She yelled as she grabbed some toilet paper and wrapped it round round her wrist. She grabbed the sweatshirt off her bed and ran downstairs.
"What the hell took you so long? Get the door you stupid bitch." That was more like her father.
  She opened the door to see six people standing outside. A woman with black graying hair and a man with the same hair but even more gray. Then there were three shorter people with that same black hair and the woman's blue eyes. Then there was Jace the boy she had run into in the hallway earlier that day.

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