A Place Your Soul Comes To Die

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   Alicante highschool. It's basically any other high school, with molding walls and ceiling tiles, and stupid cliques, of course, what highschool would be complete without them? They were the jocks and Cheerleaders other wise known as the "populars", then you have the geeks, and the goth wanna be weirdos, and then there was Clary. She didn't really have a group. I guess maybe you'd group her with the art freaks as she spent most of her free time in the art studio at school but unlike the other art freaks she hated Starbucks and didn't write poetry or songs about love,life, and societies cruel ways. She was an outsider no matter where she went, ezcept for when she was with Simon.
   Clary hurried to her locker alone. Simon's locker was on the other side of the school, what felt like a whole world away to Clary. She grabbed her books and headed down the hall to her first class, History, she hated history it was always so boring and her teacher spoke in monotone which didn't help, plus one of the populars was in this class and for some reason they all like to pick her as a target for their cruel jokes. Tripping her, calling her names, even pulling her hair. She tries to ignore it but it gets worse and usually she has simon to come up with a witty retort but not here. Here she is all alone.
   She walks into class and sure enough Aline Penhallow, a popular, trips her as she walks past. Clary falls to ground and her books slide across the floor.
"Walk much" aline say then laughs like everyone else.
Clary quickly scrambles to collect her things and sit down. The rest of the class goes on like every other day. The boring monotone voice carrying her into a daydream as she stares out the window.
   Clary's five years old again and her mother is smiling down at her with tears in her eyes.
"you'll be fine sweetheart" she says on her soft voice "everyone is going to love you." She bends down and kisses her daughter on the forehead and they walk into her first day of kindergarten holding hands. As they pass through the doorway of her class a boy with glasses and dark curly hair runs over to her.
  "Who are you?" He asks and tilts his head.
  "My names Clary." She replies quietly from behind her mother's legs.
"Oh. I'm simon" he says with a smile
  "Hi" she says peeking out from behind her mother.
   "Wanna be friends?" Simon asks energetically
   "Sure!" And this tile it was Clary's turn to smile.
   Then simon grabbed her by the hand and pulled her away from her mother to the table he was coloring at.
   The bell pulled her out of her trance and she stood up to walk to her next class.
   The day seemed to go on and on forever she was looking forward to painting at the end of the day. She painted in art class but the teacher always let her come in at the end of the school day to finish whatever drawing or painting she was working on, plus she needed something to do while simon played computer games with his nerd club in the lab.
   She walking down the hall to the studio with her head down when she walked straight into someone dropping her books but she didn't bend down to get them instead she waited for the person to tell her to watch where she was going until she saw a streak of gold go towards the floor and all of sudden her books were back in her hands. Who was this? She wasn't used to anyone being nice to her. She looked up to see him. And had to keep her jaw from dropping. He was beautiful, all sharp angles and golden edges. His eyes had the same color as his hair which made them look like they contained liquid gold. She then noticed he was staring at her as well. And talking. Great.
   "W-what?" She stuttered
   " I said, are you okay?" He looked honestly concerned for her well being which surprised her.
   "I'm fine. Thanks"
   "My names Jace. I'm new here. My family Just moved here from New York."
   "Oh. Hi"
  "And you are?..."
   "Oh! Right. S-sorry. I'm Clary."
  "Well nice meeting you. I have to go now before my ride leaves me behind. I'll see you round." Then he walked away
   "Bye" Clary mumbled to herself.
   She barely had any time in the studio that day and she spent most of it daydreaming about Jace which she thought was ridiculous because they had only just met. She rolled her eyes and shook her head to clear her thoughts. She packed her bag and headed outside to meet Simon. They always met at this big old oak tree that sat outside the front of school. Then they'd joke and laugh all the way to her house where simon would drop her off but never come in. Clary always said it was too messy and her As didn't like people to see the house such a mess but really she didn't want him tangled up in her problem. So they rode home together and simon let her out at her house.

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