Can You Save Me

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Clary woke up to a dark house and a splitting headache. She probably had a concussion. She checked the nearest clock. 3:00 am. She didn't want to go to sleep and she didn't want to sit awake until her father woke up so she left and she ran. She didn't know where she was going until she saw the mailbox with their last name on it. She didn't know what else to do and simon was so far away so she knocked on the door lightly. She saw there was still a glow coming from what she assumed was the living room.
  Jace was watching TV at 3:00 am. He couldn't sleep. He was still worrying about Clary. He heard a knock on his door which startled him so he peered around the corner and saw the silhouette of a person through the curtain over the window. He tip-toed to the door and swung it open fast ready to attack an attacker.
   By now Clary was in tears and when Jace opened the door she hugged him then felt his go stiff so she pulled back and apologized looking at the ground
  "Clary?!" He whisper yelled "what are you doing here? Do you know what time it is!?"
  "Yes. I know. I'm sorry" she said quickly "i-ill just go. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you."
   "No it's fine" he grabbed her hand before she could walk away and pulled her inside. He tried to ignore the spark.
   "Thanks. I'm sorry. Ik it's late, but I couldn't sleep and I didn't know where else to go" she was still looking at the floor
   "Clary why are you here? What happened?" Jace was seriously worried now
  Clary tried to talk but the lump in her throat was too big from holding back tears so instead she hugged him. And he hugged her back. Jace didn't really know what to do he knew he was scared but he didn't know why. Jace was never this scared. He wasn't even afraid of the dark as a child.
   "Clary you're scarring me" he said
  "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me" she said through tears "I don't why I'm here I should go home. I'm not supposed to be out now and ig my father knew... I'd get in trouble"
     "What sort of 'trouble' Clary"
   "Wouldn't you're parents be mad if you snuck out?"
    "Yes but they wouldn't hurt me... does he hurt you Clary?"
    She didn't know what to do or say. She didn't feel like she could lie again. After all she was at his house in the middle of the night with no explanation as to why. So she nodded yes but didn't look up
   Jace felt like she had punched him in the gut. He started trembling with anger. How could anyone lay a hand on something so small and fragile? Clary had never seemed fragile to him but right now as she cried in his arms he felt like he might break her if he held too tight. He could tell she was tired so he picked her up and carried her down the hall to his bedroom.
   "Clary do you mind if I lay here too? I can sleep on the couch if you'd be more comfortable with that"
  "No, don't leave" was all she said
  He crawled into bed on the other side and she scooted closer so he wrapped his arms around her shaking body and kissed her forehead. He was in love with her. He knew it. There was no denying this but did she love him? He didn't know and it didn't matter now. He just needed Clary to be safe and right now he knew she was. And they fell asleep wrapped on each other's warmth.

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